chapter 1

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'' Can you please kill me? ''

These were the first words that Lucas ever said to me.

I still remembered that day like it was yesterday. I was walking back from the grocery store and carrying a heavy paper bag in my hands. The sound of gunshots somewhere ahead of me, made me decide to take the long way through an alleyway and that was when I bumped in to him. I had no idea what happened to him, but he was laying in a pool of his own blood and at first I thought he was dead. I was going to walk right past him and ignore the sight to avoid any unnecessary trouble, but then I remembered what the police chief told me about dead bodies. He wanted me to report them to him, so after giving it some thought, I eventually sighed and walked back at him. I lightly poked the beaten up and bloodied boy, only to have him twitch and roll on his back

The two of us gazed right in to each other's eyes and he smiled.

He still liked to mock me sometimes about how softhearted I secretly was. It always made me angry, but the truth was that he was right. Back then it really was his smile that made me sigh, carry him home and make sure that he survived.

'' If you're driving, then I am walking. ''

'' Well you certainly aren't driving either! '' Lucas muttered in protest and glared right back at me. It was the beginning of a new day in Seoul and we were in the middle of just another one of our typical arguments. The piece of junk that was supposed to be a car was parked next to a knocked over street sign and I still remembered the traumas that I had to go through on the way to the hospital. Lucas was one of the worst drivers ever and all the dents and scratches on our vehicle were there to prove it, but the problem was that I had yet to learn how to drive and he didn't want to teach me.

I crossed my arms on my chest and gestured at the street sign that he knocked over when we got here. '' I could be driving if you would teach me! Then again, it might be better if I finally find someone else to do it. Someone that doesn't knock over a 'don't park here' sign while parking. ''

Lucas was about to snap something in response, but his gaze travelled to the knocked over sign again. He stared at it for a few moments, then he ran through his blonde hair with his hand and sighed. An awkward smile formed on his lips and he lifted his shoulders in a shrug. '' My driving is still better than taking the subway! ''

I cringed at the thought of what was happening underground. I heard that people used to take the subway to work every day in the past and it was the most ordinary thing ever, but things changed in the recent years. Now there were signs warning people to proceed at their own risk next to every entrance. The subway system still worked perfectly fine, well, just with horrible delays, but the trains and stations were infested with criminals. Drug dealers, theft, assault, all that was an ordinary thing under there. It was the place where a lot of young gang members started from and everyone who was brave enough to still take the train usually carried a weapon with themselves.

It seemed like talking about the subway jinxed our future, because soon we spotted a bunch of cop cars that were surrounding one of the entrances. Lucas was going the wrong way on the street, whistling to himself and dodging the vehicles that were coming towards us. There was a bunch of paper bags in the backseat and we were in the middle of making medicine deliveries for one of the hospitals in Seoul, so we weren't planning to get involved at first. Then I recognised one of the cops that was talking to a colleague and quickly lowered myself on my seat. '' It's police chief Haksoo! ''

'' Oh, crap! He's going to force us to help him! '' Lucas muttered and his eyes grew wide. He nearly crashed the car when he tried to lower himself down and hide like I did. He almost invested a cop before stepping on the gas and trying to speed away as past as possible. '' Do you think he saw us? ''

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