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prologo: il primo nuovo arrivato 

prologue: the first newcomer

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I don't like any of this.

The sun beating down on me from the moment that I wake up. Watching the other students walk to school. Riding my yellow Vespa around the island while they sit in class. Pushing my Vespa up the hills while they gather in groups, giggle and gossip. Kicking my Vespa and cursing the universe when it breaks down for the fourth time that week-

Now that I think of it, perhaps all of my problems would disappear from my life if I would just go and buy a new Vespa already.

Or is that a bit too optimistic?

My thoughts were like ants, scattering in all kinds of directions after someone dropped pesticide in the middle of their colony. It was almost as if each one of them had a mind of their own. A distinct, unique way of thinking, personal hopes and plans, far-reaching dreams and intentions. On some days, it was harder to gather them back together than on others, but that afternoon, when a new face found it's the way to my hiding place and I saw the sunlight reflect from his eyes for the first time, they aligned like perfect puzzle pieces and formed one of those pretty pictures that you could only see if you paid five euros to get in to a museum. '' You... Finally came for me. ''

In the early spring, a lot of new people come to our island. They appear in our lives like shooting stars, only lasting for a few brief moments before they are gone again. In the days or weeks, sometimes even months of their vacations, they rarely change anything about us before they leave again, but this time, it was different.

He was different.

I could tell that, right away.

'' Wait, you are not Kyungsoo. ''

Maybe not exactly right away, but at least from the moment when he took a hold of my cheek and started pulling on it. '' I have no idea who you are talking about, but I believe that the right question is, who are you, why are you holding my hand and why were you hiding in one of the cupboards of my kitchen? ''

'' I was playing hide and seek, '' I explained, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. The stranger's face remained deathly serious and for a moment I thought that he was going to let me go, but instead, he pulled on my cheek even harder than before. I yelped in pain and tried to attack him back, but he was skilfully jumping out of the way and dodging my balled up fists. '' Yah! Why do you have to torture me like this? Are you jealous of my hide and seek skills? I get it, but you don't have to be rude about it! Kyungsoo and I started playing yesterday evening and considering that he still didn't find me, you can see that I clearly won. How about you congratulate me instead? ''

'' Congratulate you? '' the man hissed and ran through his dark hair with frustration. At first, I was really intrigued by his sudden appearance in the apartment above the youth center where I spent most of my free afternoons, but now, he was slowly starting to annoy me.

His looks clearly showed that he wasn't from around here or anywhere else close to Sicily. The remains of dye were fading from the tips of his hair and turning back to brown. His pale and smooth skin was the exact opposite of the tans that you could see all around here and his neatly ironed shirt wasn't even close to being appropriate for going to the beach or for working under the olive trees. '' I'm going to drag you to the nearest police station and get you thrown in jail for trespassing! I can't believe that you actually spent the night here! What kind of idiot even does that? ''

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