chapter 1: mad dogs

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A prison cell was every criminal's worst nightmare.

There were a lot of us that acted strong and careless, but it always inevitably came the time when the reality caught up with you. The idea of being trapped behind prison bars and walls first began to haunt you in your sleep, then you started looking over your shoulder way too much when you were awake too. In the end you had to accept the fact that you will be running away from the law and hiding in the shadows forever. It was an undeniable part of the life that you chose.

I wasn't normally the type of person that complained a lot, but when I woke up on the ground of a cell I really couldn't help myself. The sight of the prison bars on a small window instantly made me completely awake, then I realised that I was stuck in some kind of strangely empty police station. I sighed in relief, rolled over and prepared to sit up, when someone's amused voice spoke up: '' What are you sighing about? Don't tell me that you are relieved by the sight of prison bars. Trust me, jail would change your mind in a snap of a finger. Or a blink of an eye. Whatever you prefer. ''

I rubbed my hurt head and felt bandages under my fingers. Memories from last night were slowly coming back to me and my heart was starting to beat faster. It took me a few moments to remember the strange group of people that kidnapped me and I was really surprised to see that they dragged me in a police station. They acted nothing like cops, but still, here I was behind bars, while they were on the other side.

Someone was squatted down in front of my cell and watching me with childish curiosity. His head was resting on his hands and his dark eyes were shining in the sunlight that was shining through the windows. He had messy dark brown hair and there was a boyish charm in his bright smile that made him look a lot more innocent than he probably was. '' Are you really a cop? ''

His eyes slightly widened with surprise, then he quickly nodded and lied without a second thought. '' Of course I am. ''

I suspiciously frowned and muttered: '' You don't look like a cop. ''

'' You are in the cell and I am the one standing outside of it, so you really aren't in the position to be making any kind of assumptions against me, '' he lectured in response and shook his head. '' If I say something, then that's how it is. You know why? Because I said so. ''

There was a girl sitting in front of one of the office desks and painting her nails. Her long light brown hair was tied in a ponytail, there were large hoops dangling from her ears and she was wearing black combat boots that looked like they were especially made for kicking people. The sound of the boy's words made her lips curve in to an amused smirk. '' Because you said so? I can't wait for her to be let out of that cell. I hope she punches you in the face when she is. ''

That was when a third figure appeared in front of my cell. His tall frame casted a shadow on me and I raised my head to look in his eyes. He slowly took off his silver aviators and narrowed his gaze in thought. He spent a few moments looking at me and judging me, even if I had no idea why or for what. '' You've been chosen as the fourth member of a team created to catch some of the worst criminals of this city. Your partner will become the fifth member. You already met the other three that are in the team and I am the leader. They are not really cops, so don't let the little one fool you, but I am. My name is Kim Namjoon and I am a detective from the violent crimes department. These two are Jeon Jungkook, a professional con artist and Eunha, a master thief. ''

Jungkook glanced at Namjoon and playfully nudged him. '' Did you rehearse that in the mirror this morning before coming here? You did, didn't you? You was much clearer and straight to the point than when you visited me in prison. ''

I was looking at the tall detective with disbelief. His words were echoing in my head and I was struggling to make sense out of them. I didn't know how this idea came to be, but it sounded like he was planning to use criminals to fight criminals. '' You got the wrong person, detective- ''

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