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The police was getting more and more persistent lately.

'' Someone asked about the rat again. ''

'' Seriously? Again? They are starting to get worse than your ex girlfriend, Yoongi. ''

'' I thought we agreed to stop mentioning her. It's not like you didn't punch her back after she hit you and accused you of trying to steal me away from her. At this rate, I am going to start thinking that too. ''

I smirked in amusement and lowered my head before I passed some shop's security camera. My hands were stuck in my pockets and I was taking quick steps down the dark alleyways of Seoul. I was purposely dodging the street lights and my eyes were carefully scanning my surroundings.

I waited for some woman that was walking her dog to pass me before I quietly spoke in my phone again: '' Who was it? The same detective as always? He should honestly retire already. Lately he wasn't able to close a single case without our help. ''

'' It's a different detective this time, but he was definitely sent by the old man. He was lurking around the bar for quite a while before he finally stepped in, so they instantly knew that he wasn't one of theirs. I called the place earlier and they said that he is going to be there tonight. Do the drop off fast and leave, '' Yoongi lowly answered and I heard the sound of him typing on his numerous keyboards. He took a few sips of his energy drink and I wondered how long it was since he last slept. I had a feeling that it was most likely since we accepted our latest job three days ago. He had a tendency to overwork himself and sleep until I met our next client and there was no way to talk him out of it.

I looked at the entrance to the bar across the street and asked: '' He's here tonight? You don't think I should meet up with him and see what he wants? ''

Yoongi thought about it for a few moments. '' We are working tonight. It could be a trap, so get the delivery done quickly and don't stay there too long. Listen to me this time and don't go off on your own. You know what happens when you use your brain instead of relying on mine. ''

I rolled my eyes when he reminded me of the last time that I almost got killed and hung up the call. I rushed to the other side of the street and walked towards the entrance of Rose. It was my latest choice for meeting up with clients, but it seemed like I was going to find a new one soon. Knowing that a policeman managed to find it made me feel uncomfortable and I unknowingly began glancing over my shoulder a lot more than I usually did. My eyes briefly stopped on a girl that was standing by the entrance, talking to a guy and simultaneously stealing his wallet, then I walked through the door and made my way straight towards the client's table.

The gang member was sitting with his friends and having a drink when I sat on the empty chair next to him and showed him a bright smile. The happiness instantly died down in his eyes, he scowled in annoyance and lit up a cigarette. I leaned with my hands against my knees, brought my face closer to his and happily announced: '' Three days ago you made a deal with the rat and the hacker. We found out who is currently after you and trying to kill you, but you didn't stick to your end of the deal. You gave me the first half of the payment, but there was no sign of the second half that was supposed to come yesterday. Did you forget to leave it where I told you to? ''

He glanced at his friends that started chuckling, nudging each other and talking about me. They thought it was funny that some girl came to threaten the gang member like that and even dared to do it in front of everyone. He was clearly embarrassed and angry that I didn't approach him in private, but I didn't care about his feelings and his annoyed response made me only more amused: '' I'll pay. Tomorrow. Did you really find out who's trying to kill me? Is it someone from my former gang? ''

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