chapter 3

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We were all humans, it was just that staying in Tower prison made some of us a bit less human.

Sometimes it was tough to tell what was good in a world that used to give you nothing but pain.

It seemed like it was going to be a calm morning at first, but in Seoul you were always surprised by the unexpected. Lucas was still asleep when I woke up, laying on the sofa and quietly snoring. I shot him an annoyed look and shook my head with disapproval. He was watching reruns of news reports from that morning and he said that he was going to go to bed as soon as they'll be over, but he ended up passing out on the sofa instead. That happened way too often and then he would spend the day whining about his sore neck and asking random people to massage it for him.

I was still barefoot, wearing my pyjamas and on my way to make some breakfast in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. My eyebrows furrowed together with confusion and a loud yawn escaped my mouth. Then I slowly made made my way to the door and opened it. My features formed an annoyed scowl when there was nobody there and Lucas sat up on the sofa. He sleepily rubbed his eyes, ran through his messy blonde hair with his hand and asked: '' Who is it this early in the morning? ''

My gaze travelled down and I was even more confused when I saw a small package. I squatted down in front of it and pulled a small knife from my pocket. The blade easily cut through the tape that was covering it on top and I curiously opened it to see what was inside. The sight made my heart skip a beat and my eyes grew wide with shock.

Out of all things that it could be, somebody left a bomb at our doorstep.

'' In moments like this one... I really hate living in Seoul. ''

I was still mad a little later when I was sitting in our car and Lucas couldn't hide his annoyance either. The bomb was a clear warning and we had no choice but to quickly get our things and leave. Now the back of our car was crammed with everything that we owned and my partner was purposely ignoring my nagging about how we should go back and wait for whoever placed that bomb to come back. He wanted us to at least try to follow the plan that we thought of last night, so instead we just left a note for anyone that would happen to ask about us in the convenience store where we always got our shopping.

It was just around the corner from the apartment building where we lived and the owner knew us very well. It was an old and extremely grumpy lady and she thought of us as two kids that were always up to some wild shenanigans. I almost couldn't believe it when Lucas told her that we were leaving this part of town and she actually seemed sad. Then he handed her the note for the person that dropped a bomb at our door and she couldn't help it but to curiously open it.

Her cheeks turned bright red at the sight of the curse words and her first instinct was to smack Lucas over the head. '' Where did you even learn these words? This is nasty, but I'll give it to anyone that might ask about you two and where you went. ''

We were planning to go straight to the Rebel club that was the headquarters of Jigsaw, but a call from one of our regular clients made us take another route. We sometimes worked as guards for people who were scared to walk Seoul's streets alone and there was a certain young girl that we had to walk to high school every now and then. Her father worked as a lawyer for Lucky, the four leading gang in this city and when his clients got angry they always tried to go after his family. His daughter Ahra was still very proud of how he didn't let anyone bribe him and I also admired the way he chose to follow the law the best he could, even if the judge usually ended up being payed by his opponent and he often lost because of that. His prideful actions also put his family in mortal danger, but they didn't seem to mind. This town kept trying to break him, but they encouraged him to stay true to himself.

failures II » kpop ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora