chapter 2

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'' You want me to just find one of the tags already? Do you think that I can just locate them in the blink of an eye? What do I look like to you? A sniffer dog? ''

'' A sniffer dog would probably actually be useful in your situation. ''

If you had a hard life, Seoul was hell-bent on making it even harder.

I slowly raised my fist in the air, but one glare from the police chief Haksoo was enough to make me squeal in terror and hide behind Lucas's back. The two of us found ourselves in his office that day and trying not to suffocate in the smoke. There were literal clouds floating around us and I could feel my eyes begin to water and get irritated, but the chief didn't even notice it. He was used to it by now, sitting on his chair, surrounded by three different ashtrays, empty cups of coffee and police files.

The mess in the office gave a good description about his life, but the most interesting thing was the wall of criminals behind him. That was how Lucas and I called it at least, but it was a bit different than that. It was the wall where the chief kept photos of the most dangerous people that he knew. The images of the leaders of the Seoul's main four gangs were circled with red markers to make them stand out from the numerous other faces. Somewhere in the labyrinth were Lucas and I too, holding up signs with our names and posing in front of a wall of the police station. We were barely sixteen back then, but he already had a certain smug expression on his face, while I was glaring at the camera in annoyance.

That early afternoon we were called in for questioning. Haksoo put us in handcuffs and everything and the other cops kept glancing at the interrogation room with fear. It seemed like they thought we were going to fight back and try to kill everybody. In reality we were just faintly interested in the dead body that was found yesterday. At first glance the cuts on it seemed like they were done by a weapon like mine, but the more that I looked at it, the more I couldn't ignore the sloppy work of the killer.

That was when I really did think about attacking someone for insulting my fighting style like this.

'' Since when do you work with gangs? '' Haksoo asked, leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms on his chest. '' I don't like this. I don't like this at all. ''

Lucas chuckled and dismissively waved with his hand. '' Relax. You know that we just go where the money is. We would never truly swear loyalty to a gang, but we couldn't say no to this job. You know how gang leaders are when they want something... Kind of like kids, except that they don't cry if they don't get it, instead they point a gun at you and shoot. ''

Haksoo frowned and started spinning on his chair. '' Either way, try to put a stop to whatever is going on and not encourage it. A gang war would hurt to many civilians. Don't forget to also report back to me when anything happens... Speaking about your problem though... You want to find out what Rifle is currently doing? ''

'' That's why we're here! '' Lucas happily answered and clapped. '' Detective work is your forte, not ours! And Miso... What part of 'don't touch anything', do you not understand? Do you want me to tie you up? I swear I'll do it, I don't care if there's people watching. ''

Too late.

I was curiously looking at a pile of books on one side of the office. The one at the very bottom seemed particularly interesting and I couldn't help myself but to grab it. I didn't even think about how the whole pile would collapse if I would do that. I innocently blinked and my surprised scream echoed through the police station before I found myself buried under books. The whole room was spinning because of the bump that I got on my head and I couldn't do anything but let out a short and awkward laugh.

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