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Hunting criminals was his only purpose in life and he never expected to become one of them. Standing on the other side of the line, suffering the judging looks and voices of others and awaiting his chance to prove that he wasn't a bad person. All of his beliefs shattered in the blink of an eye and deep down he knew that he didn't make a mistake. If he would find himself in that situation once again, he would certainly do the same thing and pull the trigger. He didn't regret his actions, he didn't regret them at all.

Did he even deserve redemption if he didn't repent for what he did?

The police detective Kim Namjoon was watching the light that was dangling from the ceiling. It's quiet humming was starting to seriously get on his nerves and his hand was itching to grab his gun. He probably would've already shot the light that was about to give out if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have his weapon any more. Remembering that made him even more annoyed than before, he look away from the ceiling and his gaze wandered around the dark office.

He was leaning back on an uncomfortable sofa and pretending to listen to the police chief that was sitting in front of him. He felt a little nauseous from the cigarette smoke smell that lingered in the air and the side of his head was twitching because of a headache that wouldn't leave him ever since he had his fourth cup of coffee in the early morning. He didn't care about what the chief had to say, but at the same time he also couldn't bring himself to focus on the voice of the man that was sitting in front of him.

He didn't think of himself as someone who got shocked easily, but the things that he was seeing on a daily basis were starting to take a toll on him. He would never be anyone else than a violent crime investigator, but he had to admit to himself that lately he was spiralling a little out of control. His last case was a complete failure and he wanted to blame the other officer that was sent as backup, but he knew that at the end of the day it was him who pressed the trigger of his gun.

He heard someone say that his gun should've been taken away from him sooner and he had to admit that they were probably right.

The police chief opened the thin file that was holding in his hands and started placing different photos on the table.

'' Listen up, Namjoon, this is your last chance. You messed up real badly with the undercover case, but the higher-ups acknowledge your skills with violent crime, so they decided to give you another chance. '' Namjoon glanced down at the photos before looking at the police chief Kyungpyo with disbelief. The old man leaned back and lit up a cigarette, even if he knew that the younger detective absolutely detested the smell. '' It's been three years since the team x project was terminated, but now they are bringing it back and they want you as the lead. They already chose the team of criminals that they want for the job. You heard the stories of the original team x, so you can imagine what it'll be like, but I think that you could handle it. You are too harsh to work with other police officers, but these criminals need someone exactly like you. ''

Namjoon was still quiet, but the police chief managed to pique his interest. He slowly leaned forward and his dark eyes scanned the photos that were placed in front of him.

First there were a police rat and a cyber criminal with no name. The informant was a girl and the only photo that they had of her was with sunglasses and a surgical mask covering her face. The second one was even worse, the cyber criminal was only one of the many figures in an internet cafe and he was completely hidden under the hood of his jacket. The two of them worked together and they were well known for being able to find information on anyone that you could possibly think of. They managed to stay away from the police until now, but the rat had ties with the chief and he knew how to find her.

The two blurry and bad photos were followed by three mugshots and Namjoon recognised the prisoners that were currently serving time in jail.

Eunha, a thief who was obsessed with money and ended up getting arrested during one of the biggest bank heists that Seoul has ever seen.

Jeon Jungkook, a famous con artist that was on top of his game until his fell right in to a trap of a police officer.

Park Jimin, a former gang member that was suspected of numerous acts of violence and was currently locked up in solitary confinement.

Namjoon leaned back on his sofa again and suddenly he felt like lighting up a cigarette too. He was starting to understand why a lot of police officers smoked. He relied on excessive amounts of coffee, alcohol and takeout food until now, but the stress was starting to get the best of him. '' You are asking me like I have a choice, chief. I'm getting suspended if I don't accept, right? ''

Chief Kyungpyo smirked and his eyes shined in the faint light of his office. '' Won't it be exciting to lead a pack of wild dogs like this one? ''

He stared at the chief with an emotionless expression on his face. He heard the stories of the team of criminals that managed to end some of the most bloody cases in the history of this city. People had mixed opinions about them and their work. Some thought that it gave the criminals a way for a true redemption, others were disgusted by the way every completed case took a few years off their jail sentence. There was even more backlash when two of the former members of the team managed to escape. They were still on the run and Namjoon heard that the officer in charge of them, didn't even try to find them. He thought that they earned their freedom.

Namjoon knew why he was chosen. He was a lot like the previous leader. A bit of a wreck, violent enough to punch back with no hesitation and without a family that would miss him if something were to go wrong.

Namjoon waved with his hand and sighed in annoyance. '' Spare me the empty words. I'll do it. I'm not sure how it'll go, but it sounds like either it could work or turn in to a complete disaster and we'll end up burning Seoul to the ground. Either way, I don't particularly care, as long as I don't have to sit at home, wait for my suspension to be lifted and do nothing all day. ''

The chief smiled, even if he already knew that the young detective was going to accept. '' Think of this as a learning experience. It might help you get some of that anger out of your heart. You screwed up when you killed that police officer, but I don't mind if you fight true violence with violence. An eye for an eye. That is real justice. ''

The chief's words made Namjoon's eyes turn even darker and he lowered his head under the weight of the memories that started coming back.

Two police officers, pointing their guns at each other.

The criminal that tried to surrender, jumping in front of Namjoon and getting shot instead of him.

Namjoon shooting the second bullet in self defence and loosing his badge.

Real justice was not something that still existed in this world. 

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