Ruler of the elves (kyle x reader

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"THATS NOT FAIR"(Y/N) screamed. She was practicing with Stan and he was way better at it than her. She just started playing a few weeks ago and chose fighter (sorry if its not your class) " Chill out dude you just started!" Stan said. (Y/n) was not amused. while she pouted at the situation, she didn't know a certain someone was watching her. Kyle watched (y/n) everyday. He loved her so much and wanted to be by her side. But the problem with that was,he didn't know if (y/n) liked him back. Stan was the only one who knew. He tried to get them together but kyle always messed it up by saying the wrong thing ( or at least he thought) but (y/n) always enjoyed the conversations. (Y/n) noticed that he was watching her and told Stan "one minute." She walked over and said "need something my lord?" "Huh?" Kyle said snapping out of his daydream. "Oh uh.....yeah we need more snacks." He lied. "Ok then see you." And left. "Stan!" Kyle shouted. "Let me guess. You want to ask her out." Stan guessed."yeah but how am I gonna do it?" He asked. "Well I'll have jimmy play his recorder and have a dance! I'll tell the other elves of a possible new queen!" He shouted and took off. Great now kyle had to prepare for this so called "dance."

~~~~~~~~~Your point of view ~~~~~~~~

'Why do we need snacks?' You thought. ' I just got some.' AHH-HAH! Someone screamed. You jumped just as a bag was being pulled over your head. You were being dragged. Where? You didn't know but you were struggling trying to pull out your sword but couldn't. Then being shoved somewhere, you fell and the bag was taken off. "YES!!!!!" Screamed a familiar voice. Cartman. Stupid stupid cartman. You tried to scream but butters then put a piece of tape over your mouth. " so much for your lover kyle." Cartman said. You struggled as he said this. Its true you did love kyle with all your heart but never let it show. You thought while he continued the insults. ' I'll be stuck here forever.' You thought. 'Never be with the sweet Jewish boy kyle.'

~~~~~~~~~~Kyle's point of view~~~~~~~~~~

"Dude I'm worried sick we need to find her!" Kyle screamed at Stan. " ok ok let's go look where did you send her?" Stan asked annoyed. "To get snacks." "You didn't." Stan said shocked. " yeah what's the big deal?" Said kyle. "THE BIG DEAL IS THAT THE SNACKS ARE BY HUMAN TERRITORY!!!" Stan Screamed at the top of his lungs. Kyle ran. Ran as fast as he could.

~~~~~~~~your point of view ~~~~~~~~~~

"Where is it (y/n)? " cartman asked. "I said I'm not telling you or I'll get kicked out." She said " fine you can just sit here longer."cartman said and left. Poor (y/n) cried and cried till she heard kyle yelling. "YOU HAVE HER AND I KNOW IT!!!!" Kyle yelled. "Now kyle I don't know what your talking about." "Mrrph mrrph!" You tried to yell but couldn't do it but lucky you, kyle heard the muffles. He ran to where you were and took the tape off. "Ow!" You yelled. "Sorry." He drew his golf club and yelled "prepare to die cartman!" And they fought. And kyle won! He took your hand and ran with you back. You pulled on his hand when you past starks pond. You faced him and said "....kyle?" "Yeah?" He said blushing. " I need to tell you something." "Sure anything!" He yelled/ whispered. And then you kissed him. Right on the cheek. With that you blushed and said "thanks." But he didn't stare at the ground like normal. No he kissed you back and the lips. And asked, "be my queen?" And answered with another kiss. "I'll take that as a yes." And with that you left to go to the dance.

I might make a part 2 just let me know

My first one ever so let me know how I did

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