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━ hey, hope you like this💞💕💓

eddie twirled his finger around a soft leaf, the leaf rubbed affectionately on his hand as he small-smiled, kindly.

it was summer, meaning school was out, eddie was enjoying himself so far.

the leaf than grew, reaching out to caress eddie's rose golden, cheek. eddie lightly nudged it, making it tickle his neck. eddie sat up, blowing at the plant.

suddenly, he heard the heavy footsteps of his mother approach his bedroom. he gestured the leaf to shrink back to regular size, to which it nodded and halted it's movement.

sonia opened the door, her head poking inside with the loveliest smile.

"good morning, edward. how'd you sleep?" her tone was genuine.

"hi, mommy. i slept fine," he swiftly answered, eddie couldn't control his rapid speech whenever he was nervous.

"breakfast is all done, homemade waffles and a shake." she close-lip smiled.

eddie nodded, "thank you, i'll be down in a minute."

sonia eyed her son with, before shutting the door gently, eddie let go of a breath he didn't realise he was holding in.

he felt a light tap on his shoulder, glancing over to see the leaf shaking it's 'head'. eddie chuckled with relief, he blew playfully on it's stem before making his way downstairs.

sonia was reading the newspaper, sipping her coffee. eddie grasped the plate of buttered waffles in one hand, the other held the frothy shake.

"oh, edward, your aunt and cousin will be visiting this weekened."

eddie broke into a cheerful expression, "really? that's amazing!"

eddie absolutely loved his cousin, jane and his aunt, joyce. they were fun to be around, good vibes and games.

"mhm, i might not be around though, work." she sighed at the thought of rarely seeing her sister.

eddie could sense her down mood, his eye caught a young flower outside the kitchen window.

without sonia paying attention, he commanded the plant to blossom into a beautiful, periwinkle.

"my, the flower sure is lovely." he slyly grinned, he knew how much his mother adored flowers, they calmed her.

she gave him a questioning look, turning over and gasped once she seen the striking colors. eddie smirked proudly, sauntering away with his breakfast.


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