Part 1 - The Story So Far..

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There she was. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I wanted her...I was going to make her mine!


I had just gone through a messy break up and when I say messy...I mean messy. He basically took everything I had - all my money, my car, my friends and even some of my family hated me now. I never knew he could be that much of a twat to me, still can't believe that at one point I loved him.

Anyway, I should probably tell you a bit about me. My name's Steph and my ex-boyfriend, Josh, dumped me for 'someone better looking' than me as he put it. Luckily I still have one friend left and her name is Lizzy - she is my bestfriend and is always there for me. She's the pretty one of us two, I mean there is nothing you can fault her on. Her long brown hair always falls around her face so perfectly, she only needs minimal make-up to look absolutely stunning and she has an amzing figure and then there's me. My hair always looks like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, I have to wear make-up just so I can feel a little bit pretty and I hate my figure. I always wear baggy clothes to cover it up, even though Lizzy tells me I don't need to because I should be showing off what I have. I just call her a liar and laugh it off. Lizzy was the only one who stuck by me when Josh did everything that he did, my other so-called bestfriends ditched me for him as soon as it was over.

The taxi I was in pulled up outside Lizzy's flat, it was pretty massive but then again she was living there with her boyfriend - I think his name is Jay, but I can't really remember. I paid the driver and he helped me to get my things out the boot, not that I had much left after Josh had told me what he was going to take from me. I gave him a little extra money once he had dropped my suitcases at the door, he didn't want to take it from me but I practically forced it into his hand as he was walking off so he just ended up taking it. I rang the bell and some guy answered. He had brown curly hair and the most beautiful blue fact he was just gorgeous, it's no surprise Lizzy has bagged herself a guy like this.

"Hello, how can I help you?" he asked, I could tell from his accent that he was clearly from Nottingham. I lived there for a bit when I was 18 and then I moved back to London so I could be near people that I actually knew.

"Hey, I'm Steph. Is Lizzy there?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah, she's upstairs I'll just go and call her..." he replied and he pushed the door so that it was almost closed and then I heard him shout, "babe, there's someone called Steph at the door for you!" and the next thing I heard was someone running down the stairs and the door flew open.

"STEPH!" she shouted at me before she threw her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I'm guessing she was happy to see me.

"Lizzy. I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here with you!" I smiled at her once she had pulled away from me.

"You're my bestfriend, why wouldn't I let you stay here?" she replied with the biggest smile ever one her face. I went to pick my bags up when Jay appeared next to me and said,

"Leave them, I'll get them for you and put them in your room!" WOW! He had only just met me but there he was offering to take my bags upstairs for me, Lizzy really had done a good job getting someone like him as her boyfriend.

"Me and you are going out tonigh. No ifs and no buts, I'm taking you and out and we're going to have a good time!" I wasn't going to argue with that, I needed a good night out so I'm glad that she suggested it.


Jay had showed me where my room was and I was getting ready. I'd taken a much needed shower and was now rumaging around in one of the suitcases to find something to wear, I decided Iwas going to wear a dress - something I didn't do very often but I thought since I was moving on, I might as well try something new. It was a one sleeved, knee length black dress which had hints of glitter all over it, the last time I wore this was when I went on my first date with Josh over a year ago so I thought I should give it another wear and see if it had the same effect on some other guy that it had on Josh. I matched it with a pair of pale pink heels and some sparkely jewellery before I walked down the stairs to meet Lizzy - apparently Jay was going out with the guys he worked with but again, I wasn't really listening when Lizzy told me. My mind was in other places.

"WOW! I told you that you should show your figure off more often, you look stunning babe!" she smiled at me as I stepped off the last stair. Jay appeared behind her and gave a quick kiss on the cheek.

"C'mon on then you two, I'll drop you off and then I'm going to meet Max and Tom"

"What about Nath and Seev?" Lizzy asked as she turned around and placed her hands around his waist and rested her head on his chest.

"Well Nath has gone out on his own and Seev is out with Amy so it's just us three tonight!" he smiled back at her. I hadn't realised who Jay actually was until he started going on about Tom, Max, Siva and Nathan - how the hell did Lucy get Jay McGuiness. As in Jay McGuiness from The did she manage that?

"Are you ready then?" she asked after she had kissed Jay.

"Yeah I'm ready..." I replied.

"By the way, if you don't pull someone tonight wearing a dress like that...then all the guys must be stupid!" Jay said. OMG! Jay just complimented me...maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought I was, but then again he might just be saying that because he's going out with Lizzy! He might not like me at all and is just saying that because I'm Lizzy's bestfriend. Oh god, what if that's all it is?

It was about an twenty minute drive to the nightclub which we were going to and when we pulled up, Jay kissed Lizzy as I got out and waited for them to finish saying goodbye to each other. Once they had, we walked into the club and it was full of people. As we walking into the club, Lizzy explained to me how her and Jay hadn't yet gone public as being together - I thought this was weird since they had been together for almost seven months now, but anyway, I wasn't going to make a comment about that. We walked straight to the bar and there he attractive guy. His fringe swept to the side and those green eyes; I'd always had a thing for green eyes but his just glistened in the light. I had to find a way to get him by the end of the night...

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