Part 9 - Radio Interview.

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I was so nervous for this.

I'm guessing Jay must have overheard me talking to Siva because he knew I was pregnant. I was going to tell him after the interview, but he knows now. He said that he was happy about it, that makes me happy too. Knowing he is there to protect us and look after the both of us.

I love Jay so much and nothing is going to change that.


Jay had been talking to me for a while about starting a family with Lizzy. He really did love her and she loved him; we could all see that. I think they're going to make amazing parents and with us lot as their uncles, they're going to do well in life.

I just wonder if Jay is going to tell people that bit as well in this interview?


"So, good afternoon listeners, this is the Scott Mills show. With us this afternoon we have the one and the only The Wanted here with us in the studio..."

"Afternoon guys!" they all choursed together.

"So, Nathan. There's been a lot about you and some mystery blonde on the papers recently. Care to explain?"

"Well, her name is Steph and she is amazing. People need to stop saying she's only with me for my money because firstly, we're not actually together and secondly, we haven't even slept together!" Nathan replied wanting to set the record straight for everyone that was listening.

"And do you have Steph with you here today?"

"Nope, she's at home listening to this..."

"Is there anything you want to say to her then?"

"Well I just want to say people should stop hating her because you don't even know her, you know nothing about me and her and what you're saying is complete lies. She's amazing and I couldn't ask for a better friend!" Nathan said.

"You heard here first. Nathan Sykes is still single, but is this going to last?"

"Who knows what might happen in the future..." Nathan smiled.

"Whatever happens, we just want our baby Nath to be happy!" Siva joked as he looked from Nathan on his right to Jay on his left. Although Max and Tom looked less than impressed by what they were saying.

"And how are things between you and Amy then Siva?"

"Me and Amy are still together, if that's what your asking. Now, can we talk about our music instead of each others relationships?" Siva asked, clearly wanting to change the subject.

"That sounds like a good idea to me as well..." Tom said, obviously not really wanting to talk about relationships since he and Stacey weren't really sure if they were together or not at the moment. They had been in an on and off relationship for nearly three years now, but right now they weren't together and Tom was pretty upset about that.

"So, your new single. Tell us a bit about that?"

"Well, it's called I Found You..." Max said.

"And it's a bit different to what we usually do, but we still hope that people like it!" Jay added.

"It's avaliable to pre-order now, so get downlaoding guys!" Nathan laughed.

"Yeah, we gotta do better than JLS with their new song..." Max joked.

"Although it is a highly catchy song!" Siva said as he started singing,

How does it feel to the hottest girl in the world right, world right now.

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