Part 20 - Who's The Daddy?

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"Don't just look at it, answer it!" Nathan practically screamed.

"I don't think I can..." Jay replied.

"Why not? You wanted to know and this is the only way you're going to find out!" Max said.

"But she told me she was going to text whichever one of us it was; not ring us!" Jay replied with a panicked tone.

"Well if she's ringing you, maybe it's a sign?" Tom said happily.

"But what if it's just because she wants to hurt me even more?"

"She isn't like that and you know she isn't. Now answer the bloody phone before it's too late..." Nathan practically scream at Jay. He wanted more than any of them for Jay to be the dad since he had seen how close to the baby he had gotten in the week which he spent with him. Jay answered the phone and nervously began speaking;


" know why I'm ringing you!"

"Yes I know, so just tell Nath mine?"

"Yes. Nathan is your son!" she replied and Jay could hear that she was crying and all he wanted to do was give her a hug.

"Look, I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry. I'm the one that cheated"

"I kicked you and Nath out when I should have just waited to find out the truth. I still love you, d'ya know that?"

"I still love you too Jay but it could never work between us now. I don't love you in the way that you love me; but we could still be friends?"

"I suppose friends is better than nothing. When can I see you?" Jay asked trying not to show exactly how he was feeling while he was on the phone to her.

"I'll ring you when I'm ready to see you..."

"Give Nath a kiss for me and tell him daddy loves him very much!" was the last thing Jay said before he hung up the phone and a single tear fell from his eye. Splashing off his phone screen and bouncing off in the direction of where Max was sat.

"Why are you crying mate?" Siva asked.

"This is a happy time; you've just found out that Nathan is your son!" Nathan beamed at him, clearly happy about the news.

"She doens't love me anymore. She only wants to be friends...but I love her too much to accept that!" Jay replied quietly.

"I'm sorry to hear that mate, I really am!" Max said as he moved closer and embraced him into a manly hug.

"When are you going to see Nath then?" Nathan asked.

"She said she'll ring me when she's ready, so it could be any time from a day to a year..." Jay replied and with that he left the room, unable to take anymore questions from the boys about what he was going to do.

"Well, I hope your happy with yourself Tom. You ruined a perfectly good relationship by being your usual selfish self!" Nathan muttered as he walked past Tom and went upstairs to make sure Jay was alright.

"Well, I'm off now. I got to go and meet Kelsey..." Tom pipped up, not even caring what had just happened. He was just in a hurry to get out of there.

"So that's it is it?" Siva asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Now you've found out you haven't got the worry of a baby to look after, you're just going to leave?" Siva replied.

"Well I did promise Kels I would pick her up and pretty sure I'm the last person Jay wants to see right now. I ruined his relationship then made him throw his own son out and now he's in the mess because of me, so yeah I am just going to leave now I know the truth!" Tom replied smugly.

"You know what, just leave. Don't need you around here making things worse and you might not have to tell Kelsey the truth but she will find out at some point and it will break her heart..." Siva said as he walked off up the stairs to go and make sure Jay was in a reasonable state.

"You can be a right twat sometimes mate..." Max muttered as he also walked past Tom and up the stairs to join Nathan and Siva in Jay's room. Tom didn't have to be told a second time, he practically ran out of the house and went to meet Kelsey at the station so he could enjoy the rest of the day with her and celebrate the fact he wasn't the father to Lizzy's mistake - in secret of course.

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