Part 10 - Five Months Later..

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Today we're going for another scan at the hospital. This is some exciting stuff. We've been careful to keep this hidden from the papers but we know we're going to have to tell people soon before they start assuming we've split up or something. The papers are always making assumptions like that - if I'm not seen out with her then I must not be with her anymore. I mean, that's just stupid!

Anyway, I'm not going to worry about that today. Today is about me, Lizzy and the baby. I wanted to find out if it was a boy or a girl, but Lizzy was having none of it. She keeps saying it takes away from the surprise of it all - I've already decided if it's a girl then we're going to called her Katherine Louise McGuiness. Took me a long time to convince Lizzy that was the best name for her. Although we still haven't decided on a boys name. I think we should call him Andrew Jordan McGuiness but Lizzy wants him to be called Nathan. I don't know why she wants him to be called Nathan; but I don't think I'm going to win this one. If it's a boy, then Lizzy will be calling him Nathan - can see our little baby Nath being very happy with that one.

Although these past five months haven't been easy. Nathan and Steph finally got together, Steph recieved a lot of hate from some of Nathan's hard core fans but most of them were pleased he had finally got someone in his life. Tom and Stacey aren't together and they haven't seen each other for nearly three months now so the media had great fun with that one. Then there was the fact Amy cheated on Siva with two different guys because she was 'bored' and wanted some fun in her life - that completely destroyed him, so now he and Amy aren't together anymore but they're still friends. None of us really agree with that one, but it's his life and then finally, there was the whole thing with Max kissing some girl in a nightclub. They've been seeing each other, but a jealous friend leaked it all to the paper so there was several stories on that one for nearly two weeks. So, me and Lizzy are kinda stuck in the middle. We needs to tell people that she's pregnant but we don't want it plastered all over he papers and I don't want people to hate her. This is going to take a lot of effort just to tell people...


I'd been suckered into doing the hospital run. I had to take Lizzy and Jay to the hosipal but in return for that, Jay was going to give me some money to go out with tonight - I mean he does owe me big time after I paid for all his drinks the other night. He left his money at home, the idiot that he is.

"Are you two ready? I've been waiting for nearly an hour now!" I shouted up the stairs.

"Tom, we might have a problem..." Jay replied from the top of the stairs.

"What sort of problem?"

"Just look out the front and you'll see..." I went into the living room and peeked out the front window. Stood out the front on the driveway was papparazzi. They were just waiting for me, Jay and Lizzy to walk out the door but we couldn't do it now.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, sounding quite worried.

"I don't know, all I know is we've got to protect Lizzy from all that!" he replied.

"What about the back? Can we go out that way?"

"Yeah we could, but how are we going to get to the hospital without being recognised?"

"Damn, didn't think about that one...what about Siva? He could meet us around the back?" I suggested.

"He's busy today, meeting Amy or something like that..."

"Look, I know you don't want to tell people yet but maybe it would just be better to tell them instead of sneeking out of our own house?" Lizzy said appearing at the top of the stairs, obviously hearing what me and Jay were discussing.

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