Part 11 - The Hospital.

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As expected, when we pulled up at the hospital we were surrounded by journalists who wanted to know why I'd lied to them. These guys work quickly. But I don't have to explain myself to anyone. It's my life which means it's my decisions on what I tell people and what I don't tell people. I mean, not everyone needs to know what's happening all of the time in my life.

We walked into the hospital and all we could see, was white corridoors in every direction. The doctors dressed in their white coats and the nurses in their blue uniforms. It was a pretty depressing place to be. We walked over to the reception.

"Name?" the receptionist asked.

"Lizzy Thompson..." Lizzy replied softly.

"If you'd like to wait in the waiting area until your name is called!" the receptionist said. We walked into the waiting area where there were loads of other people waiting. Some were pregnant, some had minor inhuries and some were just in for a check up. There was one little girl who wouldn't stop crying, her mum was trying everything but she wouldn't stop. Until she saw me.

"MUMMY! It's Jay..." she shouted. Her eyes lit up and a smile appeared across her face.

"Jay who?" her mother asked.

"From The Wanted. Mummy, please can I go see him?" she asked. Her mum took her by the hand and they walked over to me.

"Sorry to disturb you, but my little girl loves you. Would be alright if she said hello?" I looked at Lizzy and she just nodded at me.

"I would love to see her..." I smiled at her.

"JAY!" she screamed as she threw her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"So, what's your name then?" I asked her.

"Samantha..." she replied.

"That's a lovely name and why are you here?"

"I got to have an operation tomorrow but I don't want to have it. It's going to hurt..."

"But if the operation makes you feel better than surely you should have it?"

"Lizzy Thompson?" a heard a doctor call from behind me.

"Jay, we need to go now..." Lizzy said as she sat up and lent on my shoulder to help herself stand up.

"Look Samantha I need to go now. How about if you're still here when me and Lizzy finish, I'll take a picture with you and give you an autograph?" I asked and the biggest smile appeared on her face.

"Thankyou Jay!" she replied sweetly.

"You're welcome!" I said. Her mother mouthed the words 'thank you' to me before going to sit back down on the other side of the room. It always made me happy knowing me could make fans happy just by doing the simplest things for them. Such as taking a picture with them or giving them an autograph.


Once Jay had finished talking to the fan, we followed the nurse down a corridoor which seemed to go on forever. Once we got to the room, there was nothing in there. I didn't really like empty rooms, I just found them really weird.

"If you'd like to get onto the bed for me please?" the nurse asked. Jay helped me to get up as I was quite short anyway and the fact I was getting fatter didn't really help. The nurse lifted my top up and then said, "this might be a bit cold..."

As she applied the gel, it was cold but it also tickled a bit. I laughed a little which made Jay laugh back at me. I didn't think it was that funny, but Jay finds everything funny.

"You have a nice healthy baby. There's a good, strong heart beat and if you look here you can see its arms and legs..." she smiled, pointing at the moniter to show us what she was talking about. There it was, our baby and it was healthy. I had the biggest smile on my face and Jay had an even bigger one of his face. "Would you like to know if you're having a boy or a girl?"

Jay looked at me and I looked back at him.

"We want-" Jay started but I interrupted him before he could finish.

"We would love to know..."

"Well, you're going to be having a boy. Would you like a picture?"

"We would love a picture..." I replied, still smiling.

"I won't be a minute then" she said as she left the room, handing me some paper so I could wipe the gel off my stomache. I looked at Jay and he just said;

"So, I guess you win this one. Our son is going to be called Nathan?"

"Our son is going to be called Nathan Andrew McGuiness. That way both the names we want are in his name..."

"That sounds like a perfect name." Jay smiled back at me as he took his phone out of his pocket. He took a picture of our baby and posted it on twitter.

@JayTheWanted: Say hello to 'Nathan Andrew McGuiness' :')

"You should have turned that off before you came in here..." I giggled at him as he put it back in his pocket.

"No one will know a thing. I was just so proud that I had to share it!" he smiled at me and he kissed me gently on the forehead. The nurse walked back into the room and handed us the picture that she had printed out.

"Here is your son!" she smiled and then walked out of the room again. Jay helped me off the bed and we followed her out of the room, back down the corridoor. The little girl that Jay had been talking to before was still there and as he promised her, he took a couple of pictures with her and then gave her an autograph. As we were about to leave so walked over to us and said;

"Are you Lizzy?"

"Yeah, I'm Lizzy..." I smiled nervously at her wondering what she was going say.

"I love you too!" she said which made me smile.

"Aww thank you!" I replied and she threw her arms around me in an attempt to hug me, but the bump kind of got in the way.

"I think you and Jay are going to be good parents and if you make Jay happy, then I'm happy too!" she said.

"Samantha Taylor?" someone shouted from the distance.

"I have to go now, that's my doctor. I'm so happy that I saw you both today..." she said and with that, she skipped back over to where her mother was standing and she followed the doctor through a set of double doors.

"At least one person is happy for us!" I laughed as we walked out of the hospital, only to be greeted by more people from the media. One day they'll leave us alone to just get on with our lives.

"Look, there's Tom..." Jay said as he pointed at the silver car just across the road. We walked over and jumped in, Tom quickly pulling out of the car park.

"I saw the picture you put up. Bet Nathan will be happy with the name choice..." he laughed.

"Well, Lizzy loves the name Nathan and there was no way I was going to win since I'd already decided on the girls' name..." Jay joked back.

"I always let you win so I wasn't going to let you win this one. Nathan Andrew is going to be a beautiful baby just like his daddy..." I smiled as I rested my head on Jay's shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt his lips on my head and then I drifted off into my own little world.

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