Part 8 - Jay and Lizzy.

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It's today. Today is the day me and Lizzy tell everyone we're together. We've got an interview this afternoon on Radio 1 and that's when I'm going to tell everyone. I know Lizzy is nervous about doing it because of everything that has been in the papers recently about Nathan and Steph - obviously they don't know it's Steph. To the world she's just 'that mystery blonde who's using Nathan for his money!'

Me and Lizzy know that's true but we can't tell everyone that. I mean Tom, Max and Siva don't even know that I know her. I promised Steph and Nathan that I wouldn't tell them. Although since the paper first printed the story about them a week ago, they haven't actually seen each other. I wonder why that is? Anyway, I better hurry up and get ready...I'm supposed to be leaving here in fifteen minutes to meet Nathan and Siva, but I'm not even dressed yet.

I walked into the bedroom to get ready. Couldn't get into the usual.

"Hurry up Lizzy. I only got fifteen minutes to get ready..." but she didn't reply. I couldn't hear the shower running so what the hell was she doing? "Babe, are you alright?" I asked worried about her, but still there was no answer. She is never this quiet...what has happened to her?


"Babe, are you alright?" I heard him ask through the door, but I didn't know what to reply. I mean I was alright...but I was still trying to work out how to tell him I was pregnant. I couldn't tell him this now, not when everything was going so well for him. That would be selfish of me to do that to him. I realised that today was the day he was going to tell people we were together. I was going with him, I agreed I would so that if people wanted to ask me questions; then they would be able to.

I slowly opened the door and saw him stood there. He looked so worried. I don't know how long I was sat in the bathroom for. I'm too scared to tell him. I mean what if he doesn't want it? What if he wants me to get rid off it? I don't think I could face that. I'll keep it my secret for a little bit longer, just until I know how to tell him and the others.


She walked out and just smiled weakly at me. I could tell something was wrong. She is never like this with me...oh well, it'll have to wait until after the interview before I talk to her. I know have just five minutes to shower, get dressed and make myself look half decent. This is going to be interetsting...

Just as I pulling on a pair of jeans I heard someone knock on the door. That will either be Nathan or Siva then, they always come here if I'm not where I say I'm going when I say I'm going to be.

"Hey Lizzy..." I heard Siva say. That Irish accent wasn't hard to recognise.

"Hey Seev..." I heard her reply and then there was nothing. I guess they must have gone into the living room. The only room in this house where you can't hear what's being said if you're in mine and Lizzy's room. I threw my jeans on, picked a random tshirt up out of my wardrobe - didn't really look at which one it was - and my grey hoodie which I wore a little too much. I rushed downstairs but stopped just outside the living room to hear what Lizzy and Siva were actually talking about.

"You need to tell him, he has a right to know..."

"I know that Seev, but how do I tell him? How do I tell him he's going to be a dad when we haven't even told people we're together yet!" Lizzy asked him as she began to cry.

"Look, it'll be alright. It doesn't matter that people don't know you and Jay are together, you two love each other. We can all tell that, just tell him and I bet he'll be happy!" Siva replied. He couldn't be more right, I'd been talking to Siva for a while about starting a family with Lizzy. I mean, we might have only been together for about seven months, but when you love love them! I decided I would walk in like I hadn't heard anything.

"You two ready then?" I asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, we're ready mate!" Siva said as he walked in front of us. I walked over to Lizzy, placed my arms around her waist and then whispered in her ear, with a smile on my face,

"I know and I couldn't be more happy!" before I kissed her quickly. I then took her hand in my and we walked out of the flat. Jumping into Siva's car, me and Lizzy both sat in the back. She cuddled up to me, placing her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and locked my fingers inbetween hers. I loved her so much and I couldn't wait to tell people that we were together.

"Is Nath still seeing that blonde girl then?" Lizzy asked Siva, obviously we had to keep up the image of pretending she didn't know us and she was doing the same.

"Yeah, she's stayed in his room every night this week. Nothings happened between them, I think Nathan is taking it slowly this time; especially after the last time..." Siva replied looking in the mirror as he did so.

"Well, at least Nathan is finally happy. He's been sad for too long just so we don't get into trouble..." I said and Siva nodded in agreement. I did feel bad when Nathan promised he would stay single but at the time it was for the best. But now, I couldn't be more happy for him that him and Steph are getting along so well with each other. Nathan deserves to be in a relationship, just as much as the rest of us do.

When we pulled up outside where we were doing our interview, Nathan, Tom and Max were already there talking to some fans. Siva got out the car and went over to them to join in with what they were doing.

"Come out with me and meet some fans..." I smiled at Lizzy.

"What if they don't like me?" she replied.

"I don't care what they think. I love you and I'm sure they'll love you too..."

"I don't think I can deal with this all right now. It's just too much for me to deal with!" she replied, almost in tears. I pulled her into my chest and rubbed her back in an attempt to make her calm down.

"Babe, I'm going to be right by your side. I'll do everything I can to protect you and our baby..." I said as I kissed the top of her head. I looked down to see her smiling at me, I wiped the tears away and kissed her softly on the lips before getting out of the car and walking round to her side. Opening the door, she stepped out and her hair flowed lightly in the breeze. I took her by the hand and we walked over to where Tom, Max, Siva and Nathan were stood wearing a grin on my face.

Today was the day. Today was the day me and Lizzy were going to tell everyone that we were together. I couldn't wait to walk in there and tell them all. But first I was going to make sure people outside knew who she was. Her name is Lizzy and she's my world.

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