Part 13 - Jeremy Kyle.

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We pulled up to the flat and the media were still outside. I swear they don't have a life. I mean, they're always trying to ruin someone's career or life by making something small into a massive thing. You can almost guarantee that Jay and Lizzy will be all over the papers tomorrow morning and probably for weeks to come - it didn't particularly bother them; but it really annoyed me.

They don't need the stress of this right now. It's not good for Lizzy and Jay just doesn't deserve it. Although, they both seem to be dealing with it pretty well.

We all stepped out of the car and were automatically bombarded with questions from people. Jay put his arm protectively around Lizzy and pulled her through, right until they reached the steps of their flat. I just followed behind them, not wanting to really get in the way. Jay struggled to pull his keys from his pocket so Lizzy turned to me and said;

"Tom, my keys are in the back pocket of my bag..." I stuck my hand into the pocket which faced me and instantly pulled them out; handing them straight to Jay. He frantically pushed it into the lock and turned it quickly. We practically ran into the flat just to avoid the flashes of the cameras and the constant questions. I felt really sorry for them both.

As soon as we stepped foot inside the door, Nathan came bounding out of the kitchen with a massive smile on his face.

"So?" he said.

"So...what?" Lizzy asked.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Don't you look on Twitter?" I laughed.

"Haven't been on there today, been busy looking after Steph. She's in bed, ill!" Nathan replied and then said; "now tell it a boy or a girl?"

"You're no longer going to be called baby Nath because there is going to be a new one around the house" Jay smiled at him.

"YAY! I get to be uncle Nath to baby Nath!" he laughed as he ran upstairs. Two cups of tea in his hands. That boy is pretty weird sometimes but everyone loves little Nathan.

"Guessing he's happy with that one then..." I joked.

"Jay, I need to sit down!" Lizzy moaned as we were just stood in the hallway doing nothing.

"Well, you go put your feet up and I'll make you something to eat; yeah?" Jay smiled gently at her.

"That sounds good to me" Lizzy replied, walking into the living room and sitting herself down on the sofa.

"If you're cooking then make me something...please?!" I asked, doing my best puppy dog eyes at him.

"Yes Tom, I'll make you something as well. Now go and sit with Lizzy, I'm sure you've got some Jeremy Kyle to catch up on" Jay laughed as he walked into the kitchen. He was right; there was some Jeremy Kyle that I needed to watch. I walked into the living room, stole the remote from Lizzy and threw myself onto the chair.

"I was watching that Tom..." Lizzy shouted at me.

"Sorry, me and Jeremy Kyle have got a date." I laughed at her as I put it on.

"I hate you sometimes Parker!" she said, trying to be annoyed with me but it wasn't working. She could never stay angry at me, she loved me too much.

"I love you too Lizzy!" I replied with a slight laugh of my own, before I focused my attention back on the TV.

"Fine, I'm going to make sure Steph is alright!" she muttered to herself as she left the living room. Leaving me, Jeremy Kyle and the silence.

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