Part 26 - The Final Part!:)xx

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I was sat on the sofa, with Steph cuddled up to me. She had just begun falling asleep when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I tried to get it out without disturbing Steph, but it didn't work. She just looked up at me with her cute eyes and smiled. Shifting her head slightly so that I could remove my phone from my pocket. Once I had done that, she carefully placed her head back onto my shoulder and closed her eyes. Attempting to fall asleep. But I knew that wasn't going to happen.

From Parker:

Seev has had an idea...

To Parker:

Oh yeah, and what's that idea?

I typed back quickly, leaving my phone out knowing that Tom would reply pretty quickly. I just smiled to myself knowing that I had Steph back in my life and she was mine again. There was no letting her again. That would just be an extremely foolish thing to do. I missed her so much and it feels good having her back in my arms. Being able to cuddle her and share the warmth of her body. It was the monents like this which I lived for. Which I wouldn't change for the world. I loved Steph and, this time, I was going to make sure that she knew that.

"Nathan?" Steph said suddenly.

"Steph?" I laughed back at her.

"I was just thinking...what are we going to call this baby when it comes along?" she smiled at me.

"Why don't we call it Nathan?" I winked.

"We're not naming our baby after you. And Lizzy's baby is already called Nath..." Steph laughed at me again as she kissed me on the cheek, with a massive smile on her face.

"Why don't we call it Abbie Georgia Sykes if it's a girl and Bradley James Sykes if it's a boy?" I suggested. The girl taking her middle name and the boy taking mine. I'm cool like that and think that's how it should be.

"I like those names. They're good names..." she replied with a massive smile on her face. I guess she was happy with my choices, which made me happy. I liked it when she agreed with me. Although it happened rarely, she always had to be rigth even when she was wrong. I loved her enough to let her win though.

"Well, it is settled then. We will call our son Bradley and our daughter Abbie!" I smiled at her, placing a genlte kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you Nathan!"

"I love you too Steph..." I replied as my phone vibrated in my hand again. Guessing it could only be from Tom since he was the only person that was texting me. The others must have been too busy talking to Jay to bother texting me.

From Parker:

Well, he thinks that us five should go on holiday together. Give us time to sort things out and have a good time together, you up for it? :)

To Parker:

As long as Jay doesn't pull anymore stunts, then it sounds like fun to me. I'd love to go on holiday with you four... :)

I guess going on holiday together would help bring us all back together. It would also make forgiving Jay a whole lot easier. I'm still pretty annoyed with him and I still want answers. I need to know why he left without speaking to us first. We would have helped him. But he decided that he was going to keep all his emotions and thoughts blocked up and away from the world. That's never a good idea and it usually only leads to trouble.

Well, it leads me to trouble. I'm not very good with my emotions and I do try my hardest to keep them hidden from people. I just think it's for the best. I'm a bit weird like that. But I still manage to be happy and you don't seem me running off because something happened. In fact, you don't see any of us running off. Jay really should use his brain before he acts sometimes. He's an idiot but we still love him. Despite everything he's put us through.

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