Part 16 - What Happens To Jay?

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"Babe, I'm just going to the shop. Is there anything you need?" I shouted up the stairs as I grabbed my keys and phone up from the table next to the table.

"Just get me some paracetemol, I feel dreadful..." she managed to reply back to me. She hasn't been the same since she had Nathan. I mean she's been sleeping all the time, she doesn't want to do anything with Nathan and she doesn't have the strength to even stand up by herself anymore. I've asked her to go to the doctor but she won't. She thinks they'll tell bad news and that will make things even worse, but I don't want to lose her and that could happen if she doesn't see someone about how she's been feeling recently.

"Are you sure you're alright looking after him?" I asked Nathan for about the fourth time that morning.

"I'm sure Jay, I love looking after him. Now will you please stop asking and go to the shop?" he laughed at me. I suppose I did keep asking him but I didn't want him to think that the only reason he was still living here is because we're using him as a free babysitting service. Nath has actually been so helpful lately and I don't think I can thank him for what he's done.

"As long as you're sure..."

"If you mention anything about it again then I will slap you. Now, will you go before I change my mind" he joked and with that I walked to the front door. Leaving Nath looking after the baby and Lizzy lying in bed. I opened the door to find Tom and Max stood there about to knock, so I just let them in.

"Is there any change with Lizzy?" Tom asked. He had been pretty concerned about her and had tried several times to make her go see the doctor, but he had been about as successful as me.

"No, she's still in bed and hasn't moved in about three days. I'm really worried about her Tom but it's like she doesn't want any help..." I replied, only just managing to hold my tears back as I did so.

"I'll go and have another word with her, see if I can get her to change her mind" he smiled at me as he walked off up the stairs towards mine and Lizzy's room.

"Where's Nathan then?" Max asked.

"In the lovong room looking after baby Nath. You can go and see him if you want, I feel bad always asking Nathan to look after the baby but it's just so hard right now!" I said as I walked out the door, I was just about to close the door when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked back to see that it was Max.

"Mate, don't feel bad. We're here to help and right now you clearly need the help. Looking after a baby on your own isn't easy and by the looks of things, Nathan has no problems looking after Nathan Andrew. He looks like he quite enjoys it so don't feel bad and just accept the help you're being given!" Max said kindly, which reassured me a little bit but I still felt bad always leaving my baby with the boys while I disappeared out. I closed the door behind me and slowly began my decent down the pathway which led to the silence of the street out the front.

As usual, I was greeted by emptiness. You never saw anyone out in our street. I mean you occassionally saw Mr.Green when he was doing the gardening or Mrs.White when she was taking the kids to school or coming back with her shopping and then you sometimes caught a glimpse of Miss.Jones when she was walking her dog. Apart from that, you never really saw anyone else. It was a pretty dull street to live on if I'm honest but I liked living here because fans never found out where we lived. They thought we lived in some massive flat up the expensive end of London but that's where Siva and Nareesha live, but they never found that address either.

I walked up the street until I got to the alley which led directly to the high street. I always walked up here as it took a good fifteen minutes off my trip to the shops and if I went any other way then the press are always waiting there for me. As I approached the half way point in the alley, I felt something hit me hard in the face. I went to stand up but before I had a chance to stand up, I felt the same pain as something struck me across my right cheek. I had no idea what was going on, I just closed my eyes and waited for this to all be over. I could feel the coldness of my blood as it dripped across my mouth and ran down onto the ground below me. The next thing I knew, someone had me by the neck and had shoved me against the wall. I had no idea who he was or what he wanted but I'm sure I was about to find out the answer to both of them.

"Are you Jay McGuiness?" he asked, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yes..." I managed to reply while I was coughing out blood. It didn't taste very nice but I didn't want to say anything because they were about twice the size of me.

"And are you currently dating Lizzy Thompson?"

"Last time I checked I was!" I replied sarcastically and without thinking.

"Don't talk to me like that, do it again and you'll be sorry. Got it?" he growled at me.

"Got it..." I said as his grip around my neck tightened so that I could only just breath.

"And you've just had a baby which you named Nathan Andrew McGuiness?"

"Yes..." I replied.

"Well I got something to tell you. That kid ain't yours and I know who the real father is, if you want to know the truth then you'll end things with that slag of a girlfriend and then give the baby to me so I can give him to his real father!" he snapped at me.

"I don't believe you!" I said as he finally let me go and I slumped to the ground in a heap, not really sure what to do. I just sat there rubbing the place he had just let go of, trying to regain some sense of feeling.

"I don't care if you believe me, I want that baby and I'm going to get that matter what it takes!"

"Why are you so interested in my baby anyway?"

"That's got nothing to do with you. You've got 48 hours to end things with Lizzy, or we'll take matters into our own hands. And believe don't want to mess with me!" he snorted at me and with last punch, he walked away from me with the rest of his 'crew' following him. I had no idea what had just happened and no idea what they wanted with Nathan but they weren't going to get him. There have been no chances for Lizzy to cheat on me because she was always with me and at the time we went to America for two weeks; she was already pregnant. I'm so confused right now but I know I've got to do everything I can to protect both Lizzy and Nathan. I can't let anything happen to either of them...I don't know what I'd do if anything did ever happen to either of them.

I scooped myself up from the floor and as I did so, I felt a surge of pain rush through my lower back and my face was stinging like hell. I'm guessing that what they did was pretty serious but I don't want to see what they have done. I'll just go back home and ask either Max or Tom if they'll go to the shop for me. I can't be seen like this. I walked back towards the house as quickly as I could. I just wanted to get back and make sure both Lizzy and Nathan were safe...then I had to phone the police. Surely they could protect them from whatever that thug was planning? Right...

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