Part 3 - Back Home..

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I left Nathan stood there but I knew he would be back soon. I had his clothes and he told me that he was going to see me again. I still can't get over the fact Nathan Sykes called me hot AND he wants to see me again...just yesterday my life was at its lowest point and now look at me; I'm partying with celebrities. So, in a way, Josh dumping me was a blessing in disguise because now I've got Nathan chasing after me - this is going to be fun.

I put my key in the lock and Lizzy must have heard it bacause as soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by her running at me and throwing her arms around me. Anyway would think she hadn't seen me in years.

"Where have you been? I've been so worried about you..." she practically shouted at me.

"I told you I was fine and I'd be home soon. So you didn't need to worry about me, I'm not a kid anymore!" I replied.

"I know your not, but I still worry about you. Especially after what happened the time we went out while we were on holiday-" but I cut her off there. There's some thing which don't ever need to be mentioned again and that event is one of them. If I could erase that particular memory from my head...then I would. Lizzy could tell she had said something that I didn't like so she quickly apologised.

"Anyway, I was with Nathan..."

"When you say you mean Nathan Sykes?" she asked with a look of shock almost drawn on her face.

"Yes, when I say Nathan; that's exactly who I mean!" I replied excitedly.

"How did that happen then?" she asked me, getting almost as excited as I was.

"I don't know because I don't remember. I mean nothing happened between us but we shared a bed then when I woke up this morning, he gave me paracetomol before telling me he thought I looked hot last night!" I told her, a smile appearing on my face and then I added, "but please don't tell Jay anything just yet..."

"What happened this morning then? And I won't tell him until you tell me you want me to!"

"He gave me some clothes and then I just left. Didn't say bye to him, give him my number or anything..." I said back. Then I wondered if he would actually want to see me again after I had done something like to him. He had been nothing but nice to me and then I just left him stood at the top of the stairs, why would I be stupid enough to do something like that? I hope it hasn't ruined anything bewteen us...


"He gave me some clothes and then I just left. Didn't say bye to him, give him my number or anything..." Steph replied to me, which if I'm being totally honest, left me speechless. Why would you spend the night with Nathan Sykes and then just walk out on him? Sometimes I wonder if she has a brain in that head of hers and if she does, why the bloody hell she doesn't use it. I hope that Nathan isn't going to give up that easily. I was going to reply but we were interrupted by someone at the door.

Jay walked out of the living room to answer it, obviously not realising me and Steph were stood out here, but Steph had already answered. When she saw who was there, she was shocked. But she wasn't as shocked as Jay was when he saw who it was...

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