Part 4 - What happens next?

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Why the hell was Nathan here? What if the paparazzi had followed him here...does he think of noone other than himself?

"Why the hell are you here Nathan?" I almost shouted at him as I pulled him inside the house and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Oh I;m sorry, didn't realise I needed permission to come here and see people!" he replied sarcastically.

"I've told you before about coming here without asking first..." I replied. I was pretty annoyed that he just thought he could come here and everything would be alright.

"Look, I came here to see that alright with you?" he snapped back at me as he walked towards Steph, who threw Nathan a cheeky smile before looking back to the ground.

"And how do you know her?" I snapped back at him.

"It's none of your business, I'm allowed to know people without having to explain myself to you..."

"Fine. Steph, how does Nathan know you?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Didn't realise my business was to do with you as's got nothing to do with how he knows me or why he knows me. That okay with you Jay?" she snapped back at me and then stormed off upstairs.

"Look Nath, if you go upstairs and then turn right, Steph's room is the one directly in front of you. Go and make sure she's alright, I mean you did come here to see her afterall!" Lizzy smiled at Nathan and then pointed at the stairs encouraging him to go. She had always been better at this sort of thing compared to me. I always wanted to know everything about everyone, whereas Lizzy understood that some people needed their privacy and would tell us what was going on in their own time. I need to realise this at some point instead of going on, all demanding and wanting to know everything. I heard Nathan knocking on Steph's door, some talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying to each other and then silence filled the whole house - it was weird.


Jay had never been good with words. He got annoyed at everything and then had to know what was going on with everybody else and their lives - he really needs to learn when to stop questioning people and let them tell him what they want to, when they want to.

"Look Jay, I know you don't like the boys coming here without asking first but you did over-react a little bit when he turned up here. And, something you should know about Steph is that she likes to keep herself to herself and if she wants to tell you something, then she'll tell you when she's ready and not because you want her to tell you. When Nath comes down, I want you to go and say sorry to don't have to like her, but you should at least pretend to be nice because she is my bestfriend!" I said to him. I wasn't angry with him, I was just slightly annoyed at how he reacted to the whole situation. I mean it's not like the paparazzi followed him, so no harm was done...right?

"I just don't want people finding out about us before we tell them, I want them to feel like we still care about them and want them to know...not that I lied to them for seven months. And I'll talk to her when Nathan comes down and I'll make sure she knows just how sorry I am!" he replied as he spun around so I was looking into his eyes - why did he have to do that, he knew I loved his eyes...the brilliant blue that they were. He placed his arms around my waist, pulling me in close and then he pressed his lips against mine. I couldn't stay angry or annoyed at him when he did that and he knew he had that power over me. I hated it when he used it to get his own way but I loved it at the same time. Reminded me that I was all his and he was all mine...but could this perfect life really last for us?


Jay went things in the wrong way all of the time and now who's left to pick up the pieces? Oh yeah, that would be me then! I walked up the stairs and in the direction that Lizzy had told me to go in. I knocked lightly on the door and Steph opened it, she had tears in her eyes.

"Can I come in?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"Yeah sure..." she replied quietly. I could tell she was nervous since she didn't look at my face, she kept starring at the ground. I guess she's a different person when she's had a bit too much to drink. I walked into the room and the walls were pretty bare; in fact it looks a bit like my room only the walls were bright pink instead of white.

"Don't listen to Jay. We know that nothing happened..."

"I didn't expect to see you this quickly!" she managed to laugh at me and I just smiled back at her.

"Well, thought I'd surprise you and see if I could have my clothes back. You did say you were coming home to get changed!" I joked.

"I was going to get changed but your clothes are too comfy!" she giggled at me. I loved her laugh, her smile, her personality...I mean I just loved everything about her.

"Anyway, I only came to ask if you wanted to go out again tonight?"


"Anyway, I only came to ask if you wanted to go out again tonight?" OMG! What is that? Nathan Sykes is asking me if I want to go out with him again tonight...I'm in the position that so many girls want to be in. Should I say yes or should I keep making him chase me?

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