Part 7 - Explanation..

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*????'S POV*

I picked up the newspaper, like I do every single morning since none of the other boys actually bothered reading it. But I wasn't prepared for what I saw on the front page.

How could Nathan do this to us? We all agreed it would be for the best if he stayed single for now. We've already got enough to deal with, without adding this to our list of problems - we've got all the consequences of Amy and Siva going public to deal with, then at the end of this week Jay and Lizzy are going to tell people they're together and now we've got Nathan and mysterious blonde to deal with. Does that kid think of noone but himself? No is the answer...because that's all he is; he's a kid!

I might seem like I'm being unfair, maybe even unreasonable but this is the one thing he promised to do - Nathan promised us that he would stay single. How could he break this promise? He knew just how important it was that he stayed single, but he couldn't just keep it in his pants. I need to talk to him, I need to know why he would do something like this to us.

I ran up the stairs and didn't even bother knocking on Nathan's bedroom door. I wanted answers and I wanted them now. There she was, in one of his tops. Her dress just thrown on the floor, one of her shoes at the end of the bed and the other by the wardrobe. She was about to fall back asleep when I walked in and made her sit up from Nathan's chest, obviously wandering what was going on and why I had just entered the room in the manner which I dad.

"Oi, wake up now!" I said loudly to Nathan, but he didn't even flinch. So I just got a glass of cold water from the bathroom tap and chucked it on his face. He jumped up from his sleep and looked shocked to see me stood there.

"What do you want?" he asked, like he didin't already know.

"Care to explain this?" I asked. Throwing the newpaper on top of him, exposing the headline which read;

'The Wanted's Nathan Sykes getting cosy with mystery blonde...'

"Now, go to pages 5 and 6..." I said as he looked at the headlines, still confused. He opened it to the pages I told him to and this time it revealed the words;

'Is the nation's favourite boy now off the market? We do hope not...'

"I don't have to explain anything to you!" he snapped at me, throwing the newspaper in a heap on the floor.

"You promised us that you were going to stay single..."

"I promised that over a year ago. I didn't realise I still had to stick to that!"

"Nath, you promised. It doesn't matter how long ago you promised, you still promised you would stay single!" I retorted.

"Right, so while the rest of you are all allowed to be happy; you expect me to be miserable just so we don't get anymore trouble?" he asked sounding really sarcastic.

"That's exactly what we expect you to do..."

"Tough, it's not going to happen. It doesn't matter what happens anymore, we still get trouble from the media...they're even stalking our house now. Or did you not take enough time to realise the picture on the front was from outside here?"

"Well-" I went to reply but Nathan was so angry he wouldn't let me say anything. He interrupted me saying;

"No, you didn't because you just assume I'm that stupid and selfish I would do this on purpose! Well, you're wrong. I want to be happy as well and I'm not going to keep some stupid promise I made over a year ago!"

"You should though Nath. You should think of someone other than yourself for once..." I muttered under my breath before leaving the room. Nathan needed to realise for the band to survive, one of us had to sacrifice being happy. He agreed it would be him so he can't go back on that agreement now...


How dare he say I'm not thinking of the others. I've been thinking of the others for the past year now; agreeing to stay single for the sake of the band. Well, now I want to be happy and I'm not giving up my happiness just because the band can't take being even further in the media light.

Steph is perfect for me and I'm not going to throw her away just because they don't want me being happy. I might be the baby of the band but it's time for me to start growing up. I don't care if they want that or not, it's what I want and it's what's going to happen!

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