Part 23 - What Now?!

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A tweet. That's all we got from Jay. A tweet.

How do we explain that to the fans? Sometimes I wonder if he ever thinks of anyone other than himself. Sure he's been having a tough time, but we all have them. You don't see us running off and tweeting the others. I'm annoyed...actually I'm more than annoyed. I'm fuming. When I happen to next see Jay, then he will be greeted by my fist.

I mean a tweet? That doesn't explain anything. Argh! He's a twat and he had better see sense soon because I'm not going to let him ruin everything we've worked to hard for over the past two years. I don't care if we have The Wanted minus Jay McGuiness...I'm not going to stop doing what I love just because he is too much of a twat to actually talk to us and ask for help.

But seriously, why would you tweet your band mates? Yes, I know I keep going on about it but wouldn't you be annoyed if you logged onto Twitter, went into your mentions and read;

@JayTheWanted: @TomTheWanted @MaxTheWanted @SivaTheWanted @NathanTheWanted I'm sorry. It's over.

Now you understand why I'm annoyed. It doesn't explain anything to us. It doesn't tell us if he's planning on coming back. It doesn't even tell us what he expects us to do now. He's so selfish sometimes and I want to know what he's acting this way about it all?


I wondered into the flat and I saw the disappointed, upset and angry faces of Nathan and Siva. I'm guessing they had found out. But how? Unless Tom had told them.

"I'm guessing you know then?" I asked as I walked into the living room.

"Know what? How much of a twat Jay is and how is ruining all of our careers just because he couldn't cope? Yeah, I know that..." Nathan snapped at me. Guessing he is extremely annoyed by this all.

"What did you find out then?" Siva asked me in a much calmer tone.

"He's paid to have all Lizzy's stuff sent down to Bolton then he's selling the house. The removers have no idea where he is as he said he would contact them, he didn't want anyone to know where he was going..." I replied sadly.

"Have you seen what he put on Twitter?" Siva then asked.

"No, I haven't been on there all day. What did he put?" and with that Siva pulled out his phone and showed me the tweet which he had sent to all four of us. So, after everything we've been through, all we get is a tweet? A bloody tweet to tell us he's sorry and it's over...that shows how much we're worth to him now. I understand why Nathan is so annoyed now, Jay is basically throwing everything we've built away. I still don't know how we're going to tell the fans.

I just want to know what is going to happen to the band now. Will we still be able to carry on but replace Jay or will they tell is we're not allowed to continue without Jay?


I was walking along the road, kicking piles of leaves out of the way whenever I walked through them. I'm sure someone would have fun raking them all back into nice, neat piles again. I was deep in my thoughts when I saw someone who looked familar.

They were moving into a new house, it was only small house but there was only one of them so I'm sure they weren't complaing. That curly hair looks so familar...but it can't be Jay. Why would he move this close to us? That would just be too obvious since he was trying to get away from us and never wanted to see us again. As I walked closer, I hid behind a tree and listened to the voices which were echoing around the empty and quiet area.

"Where do you want us to put this?" one of the delivery guys asked.

"Just put it anywhere for now. I'll sort it out later..." that accent. I know there are plenty of people from Nottingham, but when you've been working with someone for over two years, you know what they sound like.

"Have you not even thought about what you're leaving behind Jay?" I heard someone ask him. I wasn't sure who it was, but they must have known him.

"I don't care. Being in the band, juggling a break up and not being able to see my own son...I can't deal with it all right now!" he replied.

"But what about everything you've worked so hard to achieve?"

"I'm sure I can easily be replaced and the boys will get on with the band. Soon, it will just be 'Jay who?'" he said, no tone of regret in his voice. He was happy to leave us all to it. He was happy to let us struggle on. He was happy to be forgotten.

"But you can't have The Wanted with Jay McGuiness. You've been part of the band for two years now, you've got people who look up to you and you've developed a fan base of people who look to you and what you've taught them when they needed help. All you're teaching them right now is how to give up and not fight for what is yours..." the voice replied and then I saw her walking off into the flat. Shouting orders at people who weren't doing the right thing or who were just stood there talking to each other instead of working.

Should I go over to Jay or should I just pretend I never even saw him? I mean, he was so happy to be forgotten and he was the one that left us not knowing where we even stand, so why should I even bother talking to him? He'll probably only run off again anyway.

This was a difficult decision to make...

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