Part 6 - I Really Need To Stop Drinking..

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I was in the shower for a good half hour. I didn't want to step out the nice warm and face the artic weather that was waiting for me outside the shower doors. I slowly turned the shower off and braced myself for the sudden change in temperature once I stepped out of here.

I got out of the shower and shivered slightly as the cold air hit the back of my body. I wrapped my towel around me and walked back to my room - where I'd already made sure the heating was on, just so I would warm up a lot quicker. I dried my body first and then pulled my dress on. It was a bit shorter than I last remember...oh well, I was trying to catch Nathan's attention so this would work a treat. I then dried my hair and decided I was going to wear it down tonight. I liked my hair after it had dried because it always went a bit wavy, so I would always leave it down. Lastly I put some make-up on. Foundation, mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, blusher and lip gloss - that might seem like a lot but if I didn't wear it, then I didn't feel pretty enough to leave the house. I grabbed my phone from my bed and text Nathan;

To Nath:

Are you planning on letting this girl stay in your bed again tonight? ;) xxx

I wasn't being caught off-guard again. I was going to his prepared. I had my make-up in small bag and I was going to take some spare clothes with me so I had something decent to wear tomorrow. I felt my phone vibrations ripple across the covers on my bed. I looked at the message and chuckled to myself;

From Nath:

It depends if she wants to stay in my bed again... ;) xxx

To Nath:

She might take that as an invitation to your bed and say she would love to stay with you, in your bed again hehe!! ;) xxx

From Nath:

Well in that case, she will be staying in my bed again tonight. Does that make you even more jealous then babe? ;) xxx

To Nath:

So very jealous...don't do anything with her that you wouldn't with me though or I'll be hurt! ;) xxx

I threw my phone into my bag so that it was lying on top of my make-up and then I grabbed some jeans, a vest top, a hoodie and a pair of converse from my wardrobe and stuffed them into another bag. I walked out of my room, I turned around quickly to check everything was in an alright position - my bed was unmade, Nathan's borrowed clothes were in a heap next to the bed and my wardrobe looked a total mess. Never mind, it'll do for now. I can sort it out properly when I get home tomorrow. I flicked the light switch, flashing my room into darkness and I walked down stairs. I went to the living room to tell Lizzy where I was going but both her and Jay were asleep on the sofa. I smiled to myself before scribbling them a note so they knew where I was;

To Lizzy and the idiot,

Gone out and will probably be staying Nath's again. Love you and see you tomorrow. Steph x

I then switched the TV off and walked out of the house. Shutting the door as quietly as possible. Much to my surprise, Nathan was stood outside the house, waiting for me to come out. He walked up the path to meet me and took the bag of clothes from me, I just smiled at him and then said;.

"So, I must be better than that other girl after all...right?"

He winked at me and then laughed before saying, "I'd choose you every time...even if you making me work for it!"

"Well, it'd be no fun if I let you get me straight away...gotta have a chase in there somewhere!"

"Well, you're certainly doing a good job of making me want you. You look even hotter tonight than you did last night and I didn't even think that was possible..."

"At least I'm doing my job then!" I giggled at him and then asked, "so, where are we going then?"

"I thought we could go back to mine first and put your bag in the bedroom, then just go to some clubs in town?"

"That sounds good to me..." I replied as I turned and smiled at him, he smiled back at me before he took his hand and put it into mine. His fingers fitted perfectly between mine and for the first time since I broke up with Josh, I actually felt happy again. As we walked further down the street, I placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. He made me feel safe, made me feel like someone actually cared about me and made me feel warm inside.

It was only a half hour walk to Nathan's from mine, but we walked there in silence. Just enjoying the moment, so it seemed like it had been longer. He rumaged around in his pockets until he found his key, as he placed it in the lock, he turned to look at me and said,

"Wait here. I'll go put this in my room and then I'll be right back down..." and with that he left me stood in the dark all alone. I sat myself down on a wall just outside their house, there was a bush opposite it and I swear I could see it moving - which was strange since there was no wind. It was a pretty warm night. I was going to go and look but then Nathan appeared behind me and held his hand out for me to take it again. I put my fingers between his once again and we headed off down the street once more, this time we were heading towards town and would probably end up in the same nightclub that we had met in last night.

"Nathan?" I questioned suddenly, distrupting the silence which was now all around us.

"Yes Steph?" he replied.

"Why do you like me...I mean you could have any girl you want; so why do you want me?"

"Because you're different. You don't want me to sleep with you just so you have a story for the newspapers, you don't give in easily, I think you're funny and you're beautiful!" he smiled at me. He really thought I was different to all these other people he could easily have.

"That's all I wanted to know..." I replied as we walked towards the club we had been at just last night. We stopped suddenly and Nathan just stood there looking at me. He placed his hands on my waist and looked into my eyes. His bright green eyes shining in the little lgiht that there was. He didn't say anything, but he just pressed his soft lips against mine, pulling me closer to him as he did so. I didn't stop him. I just placed my arms around his neck and kissed him back while running my fingers through his hair. It was a perfect moment and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.


Why the hell did I drink that much again last night? I mean after the night before, you would have thought I'd drink a lot less...well you would be wrong. I drank the same amount, if not more.

This time when I woke up though, there were two differences. The first being the blinds were still shut so I wasn't blinded by the sunlight once again and the second being, Nathan Sykes was in bed next to me. He was wearing an old pair of joggers and I was in one of his old tshirts. I cuddled back up to him, the warmth radiating from his bare chest and was slowly drifting back off to sleep. That was until one of the other guys stormed into the bedroom, holding a newspaper demanding that Nathan tell him what was going on...

-Sorry that nothing really happens, was just putting something in between so it didn't just randomly go from one thing to another-

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