Chapter Seventeen

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*Sometimes you don't realize you've crossed a line until you're on the other side.*
-Frank Warren

Callie's P.O.V.

Brian and I had been fighting like cats and dogs - and I was ready to get the hell out of my house. I grabbed my phone, shoving it into my back pocket and made my way to the front door. Brian was sitting on the couch, watching t.v.

"Where are you going?" he demanded.

"It's Friday night - I have plans with Sal."

"Sal?" He snapped. "I don't want you going over his house anymore."

I furrowed my eyebrow at him. "And I want a million dollars." I replied, rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm fucking serious, Callie!"

"What's your problem?" I asked. "Since when is this an issue? Not like I should really be surprised; everything is an issue with you lately."

I had no idea what had gotten into Brian - but it was like he was a changeling or something. Practically overnight, he turned from a total sweetheart, who was madly in love with me - to this insanely jealous, overbearing, over protective stranger.

Whenever we used to go out, especially to somewhere like the bar - and guys would stare at me and offer to buy me drinks - Brian would laugh at them, amused. Knowing they didn't stand a chance, and he was the one taking me home at the end of the night. Now, he was livid every time he noticed a guy checking me out. He had even gotten into an argument the last time and that had almost escalated into a physical fight.

I was starting to get worried. It was almost as if I were dating a stranger. I hated the way Brian was acting now. I understood being jealous every now and then, but this was fucking ridiculous. And he wasn't just getting mad at the guys either; he was taking it out on me, as if it were somehow my fault.

"He's in love with you! You know that! I don't want you alone with him anymore." He said angrily. He got off the couch and came over to me, putting himself between me and the door.

"Excuse me? He's my best friend!" I snapped.

"And I'm your fucking boyfriend! Sal wants you - I don't trust him."

"Do you even hear yourself?" I cried in frustration. "I mean, seriously, are you insane? Sal's been your best friend for over twenty-five years! What the hell are you talking about?" I snapped. I shook my head, turning around, ready to end this fight and just leave. Brian's hand darted out, quickly grabbing my arm. His fingers dug into my arm tightly, twisting it, as he pulled me back towards him. "Brian - let go!" I demanded, angrily.

"You're not going over to Sal's at 10 p.m., all pissed off at me. That's his fucking wet dream!"

"You're not the fucking boss of me! What is wrong with you?" I shouted. I tried pulling my arm away, but he was too strong.

"Stop! You're not going over there!" He yelled, as he yanked me away from the door.

Pain shot through my arm, and I cried out in surprise. "Ow! Let go, you're hurting me! Brian - you're hurting me!" I whimpered.

He seemed to snap out of it, looking down at his hand gripping my arm. He let go immediately, and I rubbed the bruises already forming on my arm. I turned around - yanked the door open, and ran outside into the pouring rain.


I knocked on Sal's door, he opened it, quickly ushering me inside and out of the rain. I was completely soaked, and freezing. I was shivering uncontrollably and as soon as I saw his face, I just lost it. I started bawling my eyes out.

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