Chapter Eight

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*That's people. We arrive, we consume what we can, and then leave.*
-Cassie Ainsworth, Skins

Callie's P.O.V.

Friday night, at work, Maria surprised me by coming in early for me, so I could get out a few hours ahead of schedule. I never bothered requesting this weekend off, because I never planned on actually doing anything. My birthday hadn't been made a big deal of since well before my father left and my mother got sick. But Maria, Carla, and the one other waitress on tonight - a new girl named Alaina, had not only remembered, but had even brought me a cake, sang to me, and chipped in for a pre-paid visa gift card. I wasn't aware that anyone at work would remember my birthday was tomorrow, but apparently people cared more than I thought, and it honestly meant a lot to me that these girls, who were really only work friends, would make an effort for me, and especially Maria for giving up her Friday night.

Sal picked me up from work a little later at six, twenty minutes after I texted him I was getting out early. As usual, we were spending this Friday night hanging out, and I knew he wanted to take me out, but I was exhausted and just wanted to relax. After relentless begging to go back to his house and order food instead, and promising him that it was no big deal, he finally caved.

"Hey," I called back, over my shoulder as I walked in. "I totally forgot you were getting me from work when I left the house earlier; I didn't bring a change of clothes. Do you have something I can borrow, please?"

"Yeah, sure." He replied, closing the door and coming up behind me. "Help yourself. I'm gonna go grab a menu for us to look at."

I made my way to his bedroom - him to the kitchen, where I could hear him rustling through the kitchen drawers. I gratefully shed my work clothes and began searching through his dresser. I grabbed a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants out, ditched my bra after a few seconds of contemplation, and pulled his clothes on. I pushed mine to the side with my foot and made my way back into the living room, dropping onto the couch with a sigh of relief. Finally I was comfortable and didn't smell like fried food. Getting out of work early was a great way to kick off my birthday weekend.

Sal joined me, handing me a beer and a menu. I cracked it eagerly, and moved over to his side, opening the menu for us to look at. After a few minutes, and some contemplation, we finally decided what we wanted to eat, and I turned on the t.v. while Sal ordered.

He got off the phone a minute later, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and draping it over me as I searched through the movie channel. I picked something that I thought looked funny, and set the remote down, sitting back and pulling the blanket around myself.

"What're you doing?" I asked, looking over at Sal. "Sit back - relax!"

"Uh, I was just debating when to give you your gift, actually. So, I guess it'll be now, that I said something."

"Sal!" I scolded. "I said no gifts!"

"And you really thought I would listen?"

"I was hoping."

"Well, no such luck. I'll be right back." He announced, getting up. I watched him disappear into his room, returning a few seconds later with a small gift bag. "I didn't know what to get you... you're really not easy to shop for - you know that? But I wanted to get you something nice." He handed the bag over to me, continuing to talk as I opened it. "I really hope you like it. But if not, just tell me. I won't be offended. I can return it and get you something else instead - okay?"

Inside the bag was a card, a couple dvd's we had watched together that I had mentioned really liking, and a box from a jewelry store. "Oh, fuck - Sal..." I said softly. I opened it, revealing a necklace. The chain was silver, super delicate with a small diamond charm. "This is too much." I scolded as I carefully lifted the necklace out of the box, examining it.

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