Chapter Six

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*I feel weird... like I wanna spend time with you even though we already had sex. I wanna do things with you, fully clothed, sober, in daylight hours.*
-Bojack Horseman

Callie's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning, bright and early, to my week-day alarm - Monday already? I groaned, rolling over, and was surprised to see Brian next to me, until last night came rushing back. I lay there, just over-thinking everything I had been worried about last night before I fell asleep.

After a few more minutes, I finally pushed myself out of bed. I made my way to the shower, and was half-way through when Brian snuck in behind me and joined. After one round in the shower, and one more on the bed as soon as we got out, I thought I could finally manage to send him home, but no luck. I hated to admit it, but I actually got a really great nights sleep, cuddling with Brian last night. Not only that, but the sex was an awesome way to start my morning - and my week.

"Hey, I've gotta get the kids ready for school." I said, tossing his shirt to him.

"No worries, I'll help." He replied, slipping it over his head.

"I've got it - really." I insisted.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get some breakfast. You're not gonna just use me for sex and toss me aside." He joked.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do. But feel free to help yourself to some cereal. You know where the kitchen is." I offered. Brian disappeared downstairs while I got the kids up and dressed, and herded them all into the kitchen. When we walked in, Brian was at the stove, wearing my pink apron, making eggs. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Making a real breakfast." He replied. "Everyone sit down, it's almost ready."

"Hi, Brian." Grace greeted him happily. 

"Hi, sweetie." He replied, returning her smile.

I shook my head, grabbing the pile of bills off the shelf, and sitting down, ready to tackle them. The gas and electric were no surprises. I grabbed the cable bill, ready to see more of the same, but I tore it open to see that it was almost $50 more than usual. I raised my eyebrow, flipping the page to see if the kids had been ordering movies. Even though I had blocked the movie channels with parental controls, they were smart and could figure out my passwords if they really wanted to. Sure enough, I saw six different charges for :

Stop! That's My Wife!

DoggieStyle 3way Skanks

12 Inch Black Destruction! 3

Double D Lesbos: Sexy Rug Munchers

The Extreme Orgy: Swapping Holes & Deepthroating Poles

Chocolate Honeys Go Down On Wet Latinas

For $7.95 each. "What the..." I exclaimed softly. 

My eyes widened and I stifled my laughter in my hand, getting it all out of my system before preparing to go off on Kennedy. Brian set a plate of eggs and toast in front of the kids and I, coming up behind me, leaning over to study the bill.

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