The Audition 1

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Wow, I'm so nervous. Even though we used the past week to prepare I'm still nervous. Helen can tell I'm tense and she brings me everything I need: water, food, and deodorant. The waiting room is filled with chairs, water bottles and girls, lots and lots of girls. I'm sitting on a leather bench. Thank god for Helen, making me change into jeans. My foot is shaking uncontrollably.

"It is going to be fine Crissy! They'll love you! Your dance is as good as it can be and we have already stretched and done some basic singing. Is there anything else you need?" Helen is the best person I know. She always helps me with my confidence and when I feel down, she always cheers me up. She is like a mother/big sister to me. The choreographer at the studio helped me a lot this past week. I mean, this time he really outdid himself. When I saw how good I looked dancing I felt my heart fill with pride. I have worked so hard for so long, I can't fail now. 

"No, it's fine. It's not like I'm gonna throw up or anything." Or at least I hope not...

"Wait a minute, are you gonna throw up? OMG! I'll go get a bucket!" Before I can say anything, she is gone. Did a mention that she cares about me? Anyways, the room is filled with Asian girls. It seems like I'm the only one that comes from America, except this other girl. She has small eyes and black hair so she blends in with the others, but she talks fluently English. Her mature British accent makes her seem older than the rest of us and I can't see any manager. How is she here without a manager? This is like the biggest opportunity ever! Is she that good? 

"Here you go, chipmunk. Now I want you to sing the song from the top but this time I want you to octavate it." I do as she says, even though the other English speaking girl is staring at me. When I finish, Helen hands me a water bottle and pats me on the back.

"That was amazing Crissy! I'm going to the toilet. If you throw up, it's ok. You're amazing!" Smiling, she gives me two thumbs up and leaves me. Before I can take another sip of water I hear a British, high pitched voice in my ear. 

"Wow! That was bloody amazing! Who are you?" Sitting down next to me, she smiles her biggest, most genuine smile. Her calm energy is refreshing in a room filled with anxious girls so I decide that I'll try to make friends with her. 

"Hi I'm Christina, but people call me Crissy. Nice to meet you." I put my hand out to shake her hand, but she just brushes it away and gives me a hug. 

"Nice to meet you too! How are you? Are you nervous?" I have learned that it is dangerous to show others your weakness, especially at an audition. But I trust this girl(i don't know why), and it seems like the other girls don't know anything other than Korean. So I tell her. 

"I'm fine. I'm nervous though, but I think everyone else is too." I laugh a little, to ease my troubled stomach. To my surprise, she laughs too. 

"So, just between you and me;" She leans in closer and I do the same. "Which of the guys do you find the most attractive?" Her question shocks me. I have never thought about the boys in that way. I mean, sure, they are good looking. But like, no. She notices my confused look and asks.

"Wait, have you never..." I shake my head while I smile an embarrassed smile. "Really? Well, do you at least have a crush on one of them?" She covers her mouth in shock when I give her a "nope, sorry" look. "You're joking! You're joking, right? How is that even possible? Do you even like them?" 

"Of course I like them, how could I not? They work so hard, they write their own music and produce all of their own songs. That is amazing!" She gives me a knowing smile and nods.

"So why do you want to be a part of their group?" Finally, she actually asked a good question. I have thought a lot about how I'm going to answer the question, but before I can answer, Helen comes up to me.

"It's your turn chipmunk. Good luck!" She gives me a hug and as I turn to go I take one last look at the English girl. She is smiling to herself and writing something down in a black notebook.


Thank you for reading. In the next chapter, she will meet the boys. If something needs correction, please make some noise in the comments. 

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