The Callback

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Yesterday was so fun. After the water fight ended, we ate delicious Korean food. I talked a lot with the members, but it is hard for me to talk to the rest of the girls. They don't speak English and I don't speak Korean so we don't know how to communicate with each other. 

I excused myself from the group a little earlier than the rest because I had already scheduled some Korean practice with Helen. We studied for a few hours and then we did the last bit of paperwork in our room. 

Today is the first day of official auditions. Everyone was kind of tense yesterday but after the water fight and meeting the boys again, we all seem to have relaced a bit more. We were told not to prepare anything for the first audition today. Obviously, this doesn't apply to me when I don't know the language im supposed to be talking in. 

I practice Korean with Helen before and after getting ready, but it is hard. We don't get it. She decides that we should ask for a tutor when the audition is over.


The audition-waiting-room area is much nicer here than in New York. There is actually room for us to sit on the floor and stretch before we go in. Since we don't really know what is going on today, everybody is wearing either leggings, booty shorts or sweatpants with dance sneakers. I am wearing some black high-waisted leggings, a black crop-top that shows my shoulders and a green bomber jacket. My hair is in a ponytail, my usual go to.

Finally, she walks in the door. "Min Jee!" I yell to get her attention and she comes rushing towards me. She is wearing jeans, a white blouse with a blazer, and high heels. What is she thinking? I sit up in confusion. "What are you wearing?" 

She sits down next to me and smiles. "Clothes." Her voice is soft and calm. My eyelashes flutter while I try to ask one of the many questions in my brain. Before I can, she leans in closer to me. "After seeing the boys all wet yesterday I bet you have formed a crush on at least one of them. Tell me who!" I jerk away. What is she saying? I try to brush off the comment. 

"Um, we need to get you changed! You cant, you know, dance like, uh, that." My words are cluttered. I stand up and try to drag her with me, but she pulls me back down.

"Oh, please! I know that innocent girl is just an act. I know you can't help the butterflies when you get a glimpse of Jungkooks abs or Jins broad shoulders." Is this really happening? Im glad Helen isn't around. This would be really embarrassing if the other girls spoke English. 

"What do you mean, butterflies?" My fingers travel to my mouth. Again, I really need to stop biting my nails. She rolls her eyes, stating the obvious. 

"You know, down there." She points her finger to my crotch. What in the... 

"Min Jee! Stop it!" I push her hand away. She sighs and her coffee breath hits me. 

"Crissy! Admit it! Everybody knows you're faking it. You got turned on yesterday when Taehyung lifted you with his strong, muscular arms. I know you freaked out!" How does she know about that, she wasn't even there. I've had enough.

"Hey, stop it! You need to focus on the audition. Your whole future is inside that room and you haven't even dressed appropriately. Stop talking about the boys like they are some kind of sex toys. They are really hard working both with their music and in the gym, but that doesn't give you the right to talk about them like that. How would you feel if someone only talked about you because you were "hot"? Now come on, let's get you changed." 

I grab her hand and drag her to the bathroom. She tries to stop me, but I hand her some extra clothes I had in my bag and push her inside. When she finally locks the door I let out a huge sigh. What the hell just happened?

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