Windshields and Tattoos

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The door opens once more and we all walk inside. Today, the audition room is empty, except for the members and a bunch of other people that I don't know. They are all in dance clothes. 

Somebody grabs my hand and pulls me out of the crowd of girls. My feet can bearly keep up with the fast pace. "Hey!" My annoyingly high pitched voice escapes through my lips. "You know, my legs are a lot shorter than yours right! Could you walk slower, please?" 

RM stops by the wall. "Sorry, we don't have all day you know." His head is tilted downwards so that he can meet my eyes and I don't know why but I find it cute. It is like he is making himself shorter for me. "I thought you would like to know what we are doing today. Or was I wrong maybe?" His brows fly to the seeling and a smirk I have never seen before coats his lips. 

"No, you are right, as usual. It would be refreshing to know what is happening before any of the other girls get to hear it." The rest of BTS is talking to the girls in Korean. They seem to be having a great time and I wish once again that I could be part of it. 

RM's breath hits me in the face when he laughs. I act like it doesn't affect me at all. "Ok, so the managers want to see how you work with a member and a professional choreographer. Therefore, the managers have arranged something where you do just that. You will have two days to complete a performance piece that includes both singing and dancing. Your choreographer has the song and the concept ready for you and your partner. When we are done here you will be escorted to another dance-studio in this building." 

I listen carefully to everything he is telling me. "The partners and choreographers are already assembled." I glimpse over at the choreographers. They all look really experienced and Korean. 

"So, as I understand that you will not tell me who I am paired up with, might I know your partner?" My puppy eyes work every time.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone!" I give him this look saying, "boi, who am I gonna tell?" He leans in closer, not too close tough. "I won't be dancing at all." I pull back and look at him with confused eyes. Is he hurt or something?

He gestures for me to come closer again. "I will be your translator. I figured that you would need some help understanding and talking to both the choreographer and the other member that you will soon get to know who is." We both pull away at the same time. His proud face is so adorable. 

"What?" I dramatically place my hands feathered out in front of my open mouth. I look like I have the main-roll in a soap opera. "For me? Oh, you shouldn't have!" I playfully flick my wrist to barely nudge his arm. He finds my acting hilarious and I laugh along with him. 

"!!!!!!!!!!!" One of the managers shouts for attention and I jump a bit. The scaredy-cat inside me is well and living. "........." While they explain what is happening today, I scan the crowd of girls. We have become just seven. Seven contestants left, this is getting real. 

I hear my name being called with Jins and another name who I assume is the choreographer. All four of us meet up a few feet from J-Hope's crew. I notice that all of my team members are taller than me and so while they are discussing something in Korean, I feel like the child trying to butt in. 

Soon, we are headed off to our rehearsal room. It is almost as big as the audition room and the mirrors on the walls make it look even bigger. We get to work right away and go over the concept for the performance. 

"............" The choreographer, who I now know is named Linney talks Jin through the concept. RM explains to me that we have to make a piece to the song Spring Day and that we have the concept of a girl, me, missing a dead family member, Jin. Wow, spot on. 

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