Morning News

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After the audition, I went back to my hotel room with Helen. We stayed up all night talking about the experience. Well, it was mostly her talking and me falling asleep. I was exhausted after all the dancing, singing and talking. I can't even remember when I fell asleep. Laying in my bed, I cover my smiling face from the sunshine. The audition went really well. I remembered my solo, my voice was steady when I sang and on top of it all, I had a really good time learning the choreography. We were separated into groups of seven and we learned the song "Burning up(Fire)" and the dance to it. Well, the other girls already knew the song so it wasn't a problem for them. I, on the other hand, had never sung a song in Korean before. It was quite a challenge. But from the looks the manager, the choreographer, and the members gave me, I could tell that I wasn't so bad. They seemed to enjoy my effort. My smile grows bigger when I remember that the choreographer shouted: "Go Crissy!" I felt so fierce, it was honestly amazing.

"Hey! Chipmunk, are you awake?" Helen's voice interrupts my thoughts and I sit up in my bed. I stretch my arms over my head making stretching noises. She laughs at me and throws a pillow at my face.

"Come on girl, wake up! We have a lot to do today!" Aaahh! Of course, because when you come to New York in the middle of the audition season, you need to attend all of them. I mumble a stream of complaints as I climb out of bed. But Helen understands that I'm joking. I'm the type of person that can't sit still for more than fifteen minutes at a time. I love feeling pounding in my ears and butterflies in my stomach. I walk over to her and bump her hip with mine and she laughs. She looks at my hair and face.

"Ah! Crissy, you need to take a shower!" I guess that my manner is pretty bad from the look in her eyes. Before I can say anything she shoves me into the bathroom. The mirror speaks for itself, so I close the door and turn on the water. I figure that I can do some vocal exercises in the shower. When I'm done with the shower, Helen helps me blow dry my hair and we have a little photoshoot with the iconic "hair blowing in the back" look. We finish my hair and makeup within twenty minutes.

"As I said, we have a lot to do today," Helen explains the day from one hour to the other. She mentions that I have two auditions and then an interview. We eat lunch together in between the first and the second audition. ", and because we have a lot of time before the first audition I figured that we would practice some Korean." 

"Really? uhh, ok." I'm kind of confused, why would I learn Korean now? I don't even know if I'll ever use it.

"Is that a problem? I thought it would be good training for your next audition." ..... What did she just say? She looks up at me smiling. 

"Wait, really? No! I got a callback?" I lean forwards almost whispering. Helen laughs and nods. 

"Ahhh!" Laughing, I embrace her. We both fall to the floor, which causes us to laugh even more. a tear escapes my eye and now I'm crying. Really? I just did my makeup! Screw it! All my hard work paid off! We sit up and Helen helps me dry my cheeks. 

"Relaks chipmunk, it's only a callback. It is amazing news, but we still have a lot of work ahead of us." Helen is still Helen, always grounding me. 

"Ok, ok. Let's get to work then. I don't want to waste any more time." We work on some basic Korean for about two hours before we go down for breakfast. I'm really hungry so I just grab a bit of everything. I look longingly at the chocolate milk, but Helen pushes me away from it. That is definitely one of the worst things to give up when you become a "professional" as Helen calls it. We eat while we talk about the Korean lesson we just had. I examine the room and notice that the dining hall here is actually really pretty. It has giant windows that showcase the garden outside. Stunning furniture is scattered through the room and the food smells so good. 

Suddenly, I recognize the girl sitting a few tables away from us. It's the Korean girl that speaks fluently English that I met at the audition. She sees me and lights up. She excuses herself from the table and comes running towards us. 

"Annyeonghaseo!" She bows and we return the greeting. She pulls a chair from another table and sits down. "How are you, Crissy? Did you get the news?" She smiles so happily towards as if she already knows that I got the callback. 

"Yes! I got through to the next round, I'm so happy!" We both applaud my success and I ask her if it went well. 

"I got through as well! I guess we are two lucky girls." Her big smile makes me laugh and we hug once more. Helen looks at us and asks.

"How do you girls know one another?" I totally forgot to introduce them to each other. As I'm trying to remember her name, I realize that I never got to know it in the first place. Luckly, she answers before i have to. 

"I'm Min Jee. I met Crissy at the audition. You must be her sister, nice to meet you." Helen and i both laugh. I mean she looks young, but not that young. 

"No, no. I'm her manager, Helen. But it's nice to meet you too." They both smile at each other and Helen seems to enjoy her company. She takes a few sips of her coffie before saying "So, Min Jee. You are a candidate as well? No offense, but aren't you a bit too old for the group? I mean, you practically look like a mature buisniss woman." I haven't noticed it before, but now I could clearly see that her style is very sophisticated. I can even notice some wrinkles in the corners of her eyes. Why is she even auditioning for the group when it seems she has her life all figured out?

"Oh, I just thought it would be a fun experience." Her answer is short and she quickly changes the topic. Her eyes focus on me.

"Hey, have you had time to form a crush on one of the guys yet?" She says it so laid-back like it is a casual conversation. I crinkle my nose as I say.

"Um, no. I don't really think of them like that." Helen smiles at me proudly. I know that she probably doesn't believe me though. Again, the boys are really attractive and any female I've ever heard talking about them swoon at the thought of one of them winking at the camera. So it's not weird that they don't believe me.

"Yell, I guess I'll have to wait then. Because it will eventually happen, just know that!" 

Min Jee has to go shortly after and so do we. After all, "we have a lot to do today"


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BTS-The new memberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora