A GREAT, Wet Sock

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After the performances are done, we all go to eat dinner together. Korean barbeque outside while the sun falls behind tall buildings. The grass feels amazing under my bare feet. Sun on my skin and in my hair always makes me feel prettier than I actually am. The other groups went to change, but as Jin and I are wearing normal clothes we get to start eating before the others.

Jin plate is full of food and so is his mouth. It is really cool to see how they use chopsticks. I, on the other hand, suck at using them. Due to this, I find the soup and grab a bowl of that instead. I can always manage a spoon.

"Seokjin Oppa, Im sorry about the lift. I was sure I would make it, but... I don't know what happened. You played it off well though, I bet no one noticed." He understands everything I am saying, but when it is his turn to speak I can see that he is struggling.

"Yes. It was good, um..." He tries to come up with a bigger and better word for good. I help him out.

"It was great!" He points at me and nodes rapidly.

"Yes yes! It was great! It was great!" He smiles, his cheeks get rounder and his teeth show, then he takes another bite of his chicken. I can see that he really likes food.

Some of the other members come outside. Taehyung, Yoongi and J-Hope, I mean Hoseok. Hoseok notices me and starts running towards me. "Sissy, sissy!" I stand up because I know what is about to happen. I get a huge hug from him while he tries to express what he thinks of the performance. The only thing that comes out of his mouth is. "Very good." Seokjin helps him out.

"It was great!"

Hoseok lets go of me and agrees. I thank him and go on about his performance. "You two killed it. I don't even know how you did that move where you did... like the, uh" I try to do the move, but only manage to make a fool of myself. The boys laugh and Hoseok shows me how it is done. "Yeah, that move! Wow, I could never do that!"

"You just practice and you get better." His smile is heartshaped and his eyes are upsidedown smileys. We all sit down after they have gone to get some food. I decide to be real with them for a second.

"I am not sure if my performance was enough today. What happens if the managers don't like me? Will I be sent home?" My worried words are not hard to understand it seems, but I am surprised at their reaction.

They all start smiling. "No, that would not happen." Namjoon appears behind me with a plate full of food. He went to the bathroom earlier and now that he is back, the communication will go much smoother. He sits down besides Taehyung who sits beside me.

"Well, if they thought I was bad, wouldn't they cut me from the audition? I mean, as they did with the other girls." Again the table fills with knowing looks and smiles. Yoongi is laughing under his breath. "What?" I start to feel left out again. What am I not seeing?

"They do not cut you. We do that." Taehyung speaks, then takes another bite of his barbequed beef. Huh? Did they cut the girls themselves?

Namjoon answers my confused face. "After being in this business for so long, we have started to notice what really is talent and what is not. The managers have been very generous with us and so we want to prove to them that we are experienced enough to pick a good member." Seokjin interrupts him.

"A GREAT member!" His chopsticks point to the sky like he is replicating superman. My synonym has really stuck with him. I wonder if this will become a thing.

"But not only talent! We want to have a friend, you know!" Yoongi joins the conversation. I understand what he means. Why would they pick a member they wouldn't have fun with?

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