The Performance

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I'm nervous. I know that I should be used to the preforming by now, but the performance is going to make me emotional. Seokjin is nervous as well, I can tell. We practiced the lift a lot yesterday and we did right it a number of times. Hopefully, we will get it right today as well. 

The version of Spring Day we are using is instrumental and without back-tracks, which makes it quieter. Namjoon will be rapping both his and Suga's part because Seokjin wasn't comfortable with rapping. Instead, we will be dancing while he is rapping. 

I can't decide what to call Linney, either a genius or a dance god! The dance is great for performing, not a lot of choreography, so we won't be out of breath and it also looks really pretty. Even our outfits are thought through and amazing for the performance. 

I am wearing some grey sweatpants, ankle-socks, a white cropped t-shirt, and a light-blue, oversized button-up. It is Seokjin's. My makeup is minimal like I just woke up and my hair is wavy from braids I have "slept in". I look like a typical girl in typical loungewear clothes. 

Seokjin, on the other hand, is wearing black from head to toe. A black hat, fake glasses, a hoodie, loose fitted pants, and back shoes. Under the hoodie, he has a shirt with the same colors I am wearing, but nobody will see that until the end of the performance. His glasses look like the ones Dad used to wear. I think it will add a lot to my acting. 

The other's costumes are much cooler than ours, but I don't think it matters. What matters is the performance. Seokjin is on my right hand and Namjoon is on my left. Linney is giving each one our last instructions. Namjoon tells me that she says that I just have to gain enough speed for the lift and that I need to remember to keep my harmonies in pitch the whole time. When she is done, we all give each other one huge group hug. 

Everybody walks inside of the auditorium and takes their seats. The stage is about five feet tall and the backdrop is a neutral blue. A staff member comes out of the wing and everybody quiets down. ".........." She calls out the order that we will be performing in. "J-hope .....Jimin ...... Jungkook...... V ......Jin." We are last. Great, more time to be nervous. I suddenly remember something.

"Namjoon, why aren't Suga and Min Jee performing?" I remember them being paired up, but I didn't hear their names being called. 

"Did you just use Yoongi's stage name?" Namjoon's face is neutral so I cant read if he is mad, surprised or confused. 

"Yeah, I don't know him that well and so I want to be respectful. I don't know if he would let me use his real name, you know?" It is like using your teacher's last name instead of their first name. It is more formal. 

He laughs and sighs. "And you say that we take it too seriously! Im sure it is fine, just call him by his real name." He shakes his head and smiles some more. "As for their performance, I think I heard someone say that Min Jee had to visit her parents in the hospital. I think they got worse, or something." Oh, no. Min Jee's parents are sick? Why didn't she tell me?

The performances start and my mind lets go of everything.


J-Hope and his partners named Misoo are really good! They perform to Mic Drop and their concept is money and success. Their performance blows everyone's mind. She is easily the best dancer of us girls and I can tell that they make a great pair. I could never do something like that, I don't have the skills. Everybody stands up and applauds when they are done. They seem happy.

Next up are Jimin and his partner. Namjoon sighs before they start and I can hear him mumbling something under his breath. HOME starts playing and they start singing. Hearing them sing, I feel like they are working more separately than with each other. Their dancing is good, but they look like two separate performances, not one and when the second chorus starts to play, they even dance to two different choreographies. What is happening?

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