Hot face-two reasons

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"Crissy? Hey, Crissy." Helen is standing over me. Her soothing voice is great. Her hand is patting the top of my head. She grabs a pill and a glass of water from the bedside table. "Open up."

I do what she asks and I feel the pill in my mouth. She gives me some water to swallow it down with. "How are you feeling chipmunk?" 

Before she finishes her question I can feel my head shrink again. The pounding is back again, smaller but with more power. I groan and pull the covers over my head. I hear laughing on the other side.

"Not so good I suppose." As she starts to walk away I remember. I sit up.

"Wait, Helen! The Audition!" My voice is weak. It almost sounds like im about to cry. Maybe I am?

She comes rushing back to me, pushing me back down into the bed. "I know Crissy, but you are way too sick to dance today. I just gave you some Advil for your head so you'll probably feel a little better in a while." She says it like it is good news. How could this possibly be any good? I can't be sick right now. Im in the middle of a callback!

"But I need to dance, Helen! I have worked so hard for this, and for what? To get sick when it really counts?" Now I am crying. How will I ever make it if this stuff keeps happening?

Helen lets me finish crying before she wipes my tears away. "The agency said that you have done amazingly well so far in the auditions and that they really want to see how you do in other aspects of training to become a member. They have given you a few days to recover, and then you can join in again." Her smile is contagious. 

"Really?" I can't believe it! They really must have liked me then. Helen widens her eyes, like if she just remembered something. 

"Oh, and the members seemed really worried when they dropped you off here. Such sweet boys, they handled you with a lot of care." She smiles to her self for a second.

"Wait, the members?" It takes me a second to remember that I passed out with RM standing beside me. "Noooooo!" I slap myself in the forehead. "I totally blacked out right in front of them!" The embarrassment travels to my cheeks and I cover them with my hands.

Helen starts to giggle. "Hey, it's ok. I know you hate showing your weakness to other people, but if you ever were to become a member, you would at some point have to. I know it is going to be hard for you to do it, especially with your... uh" Family. She doesn't have to say it. We both know what she means.

"Yeah, that will be tough. But, I am willing to do anything to become a member. At this point, it is all I want." Helen does what she always does when she knows that we are going to talk for a long time. She puts her soft, red hair in a ponytail.

"And why exactly do you want to become a member? I know you have good intentions, but it is always good to talk about your thoughts, you know?" She climbs onto the bed and sits down across from me. 

"I know. Well, I think that I want to get to know the boys. Like what are their dreams for the future, their favorite ice cream flavor and maybe, their favorite English word? I want to really know them and I want them to know me. They really are great boys." I picture the different smiles they have given me throughout the audition process. A genuine smile, an appreciation smile, a "you go girl" smile, a "sorry" smile, a smile that tells me that everything will be ok and so many more.

"I also want to become a role model!" My smile grows with the thought.

Helen reminds me to think out loud. "What do you mean by that?"

"There are so many girls in this world that believe that their dreams are just that. Dreams! But they're not! I want to be an example of how girls can reach every goal they want to achieve. Think about it, I would be the girl who became the eighth member of BTS, that's amazing!" 

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