Water and BTS

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As we all run through the long, white halls, everyone is screaming, yelling and laughing. Even me! 

When we get outside, all the girls stop for a second to take in the view of the yard. There are water balloons, water guns and garden hoses everywhere. The boys really thought this through.

"Aaaaah!" I hear screams from one of the members. It is Jin. His t-shirk is already soaked in water from a water balloon thrown by Jungkook. He is running around, laughing like a little kid. 

All the girls join in, grabbing balloons and throwing them. I run to one of the water guns, grab it and spray water all around me. We are about fifteen girls left after the last audition and we are all running around attacking the boys. Within five minutes, they are all soaked. I've barely got any water on me. Suga and RM call everyone over to a "meeting".

"..........." Yeah, no. There is no way I'm understanding what they are saying. I wait patiently while the other girls nod in agreement with what they are saying. When the boys are done explaining something, they all walk to the wall of the building in a crowd, talking. I feel a hand on my back.

"Crissy, did you understand?" RM is beside me walking me to the rest of the group. I laugh.

"Not a chance. Korean is hard." He laughs with me and explains.

"We are going to play in teams. It was kind of hard to win against all of you girls at once." He gestures at his clothes for reference. "I mean most of you girls don't even have a single drop of water on you."

I start to skip, innocently and show him my dimples. "Well, it is not our fault that you guys suck at this." RM seems relieved to see that I'm comfortable enough to tease him a little. We reach the other girls. A few of them are side-eyeing me, but I don't really notice. 

"Ok smartypants, this is how it works." He leans closer to me to explain further. But it is not to close though, he is very respectful. Or he is just shy around girls. 

"You pick a number from 1 to however many girls you are, I have honestly lost count. Anyway, then the two teams will yell out numbers and you go to the team that picks yours. Got it?" I get the concept, yes. But there is a problem. 

"Um, I don't really know how to count in Korean yet." I look down at my feet. I always feel a little left out because of the language, but the boys always know how to include me. 

"I'll fix it." RM shouts out something in Korean. The girls stop talking and the other boys listen as well. Suddenly everyone starts counting in English. 

"One-Two-Three-Four" I join them. "Five-Six-Seven-Eight" soon enough, we hit twenty and the boys and I applaud the other girls. 

"No more problems!" RM smiles down on me. He really is tall. "Now you give the girls numbers and I'll go over to the boys." 

Before he can run off I thank him. "Gamsahamnida" He waves as he leaves me with the others. I make sure to pronounce the numbers clearly to the girls. Two of them roll their eyes at me. I try to be nice to them and smile. 

"We are ready!" I hear laughter behind me, but I brush it off. The boys come running towards us. They are unevenly separated into two teams. Taehyung, RM and Suga on one team and Jin, Jimin, J-hope, and Jungkook on the other. They present themselves.

"The Kim-Suga Team!" The three boys yell and strike a pose, making us girls laugh. The other team does the same.

"The J-Team!" When the laughter dies down they start naming numbers. My number gets picked by Jimin. When I walk over to their team I get a high five from each of the four boys. I am the only one they high five. I think it is because I don't speak Korean and they don't want me to feel left out. The other girls notice it too. 

When we are finished with dividing the teams, the members start singing the chorus of Not Today. Most of the other girls join in. One of them just nods and smiles, like she doesn't know the song. Wait, does she not know the song? How do you not know the song of the group you want to be a part of. The members notice as well. 

I, on the other hand, know the song, or I like to think that I know the song. When I try to sing it, I realize that I am still not the best at Korean. I sing my heart out on the English parts though. I think the members appreciate it because they smile at me and Jimin laughs and bumps my shoulder. 

At the part where it says "Ready, set, fire" in Korean, everyone starts spraying each other. I feel a pop and then cold water on my back. I turn around, prepared to drown my opponent. But there is no one behind me. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn around again. Suga is smiling innocently and waving at me. 

"Hi!" A tenth of a second passes and before I know it, water from a garden hose squirts on me. I drop my gun, scream and back away. Some of the other girls on my team jump on him, not literally. They spray him down and one of them grab the hose from him and gives it to me. She orders me to spray him, and I do. 

He laughs and screams for his teammates. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist. They pull me away from Suga. 

"Noooo!" I kick my feet in the air while I giggle. Taehyung puts me down, smiling apologetically. What he hasn't noticed is that I still have the hose in my hand. I spray him down as well. He goes off running and falling a lot on the way. Im about to pee my pants, im laughing so much. But that doesn't last so long.  

Some girls from the other team surround me and as im going to scream for help, water hits me in the face. Not just a little, no really, a lot. I feel it in my nose, my eyes and I choke on the water that enters its way into my mouth. I fall to the ground trying to signal to the girls to stop. Most of them do, but I still have someone spraying in my face. At this point, I can't breathe. 

"YA!" I hear someone call out. The spraying stops and I can finally cough out the water in my lungs. One of my ears pop and I can hear someone yelling. I feel someone hitting my back, trying to help get the water out. Once I can breathe again I open my eyes. Three girls are standing over me as well as Jungkook and Taehyung. They pull me up asking if im ok. 

"Im fine, im ok" I assure them, my nose burns like hell though. I plug my nose to pop the other ear, it doesn't work. The yelling continues and I turn to where it comes from. Jin is yelling at two of the girls. The first one is "crying", saying sorry many, many times. The other one is standing on her right leg, hip out, arms crossed. She is yelling back. I don't understand a word of what they are saying, but she points a lot to me. 

I've had enough of people talking about me, without me understanding anything of what they are saying. I feel eyes on me while I walk up to the girls. I lay my hand on Jin's shoulder to let him know that I got this. 

The girl that was formally "crying", has finally stopped pretending. They both look me dead in the eye. I give them both a second to apologize. When neither of them does, I sigh. 

"Gamsahamnida" I plaster my hands together and bow. They both glance at me with surprised looks. I smile at them and wave. "an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo" I say it slowly, partly because I wanted them to really feel the goodbye, partly because I needed to remember the word for it. 

I look around me with an expression of "is that right?" The girls who helped me up, smile at me. When I look at the members im surprised. Half of them are almost bursting into laughter, but a respectful hand is placed over their mouths forcing them to be quiet. Two of them are nodding, expressing a "that's right", but it is when I look at Jungkook that I finally get my answer.

He is walking towards the girls while saying something in Korean. They roll their eyes, then they probably say some insult towards me while they look me up and down. Some other girls speak up and then J-Hope says something. 

"We don't have room for haters in this group." He smiles at me and I smile back. Soon, the two girls are walking into the building speaking in a low manner. 

The water fight continues and I have a lot of fun. I even teach the other girls that the English word for help is "help!" The rest of the day, you can hear a lot of high pitched, weirdly toned "help!"s and a lot of screaming and giggling.


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