The Audition 2

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The door in front of my face seems huge. Its almost like I'm being eaten by grey wood. My palms are sweaty and my heart is beating rapidly. I knock three times before I open the door. It's heavy, really heavy. I slide silently between the small opening and close the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I bet my Korean sounds weird because all the people in the room turn in my direction. The room is bigger than I imagined. Clean wood floors, white walls, a big, long table stretched from one side of the room to the other. At the table, there are twelve people. All having waterbottles and something to write on and with.  Everyone shares a small laugh and the manager makes a hand gesture for me to sit. The members are sitting in front of me, to my right and I try to make eye contact with them but they seem uninterested. Taehyung is the only one looking at me. 

"Hi, Chrisna?" Oooffff, the manager totally butchered my name. He is not very good with English, I can tell. I try to help him out.

"You can just call me Crissy." He seems relieved and I relax a bit as well.  

"So, Crissy. You are the only American girl here today. How is that, being the only one fluent in English? I mean, besides me." We share a little laugh because it is clear that he has practiced those exact lines for a long time. How do they still sound weird? I hear the members say something in Korean and they all laugh as well. RM looks at us.

"Hey, I speak English way better than you do!" He points a finger at their manager. He seems shocked at his own behavior towards the manager and the other boys do to. A silence fills the room, and I hate awkwardness. So, I save the day. 

"Well, I'd be surprised if you speak better English than me." Finally, the boys look at me and RM blushes. The manager chuckles a little before returning to me. I answer his question. 

"Well, I'm not actually the only English speaking contestant. I met this girl from England, she had a British accent and we had a little conversation before I came in. She was very nice to me." Everyone seems a bit confused for a few seconds until somebody mumbles something in Korean. Suddenly, everybody understands the situation, except me. What are they saying?

"Ok, Crissy. Why do you think you could be the perfect new member of this group?" A hard one. But I came prepared. I have practiced this question for days now, I think I got the hang of it. 

"Well, I work really hard. I am extremely motivated to better myself and others along the way. I love to sing and dance, more than anything. As you already know, I speak English. Therefore, I will be able to communicate with a lot of your international fans. And I also want to learn Korean. I practiced a little bit before I got here and I must say, the language is quite tricky." The manager seems impressed with my answer and after RM translates for the boys they all nod agreement. Except one of them. Suga goes off ranting in Korean towards me. As if I can understand him. He mentions RM and ARMY, but that's all I can understand. The manager explains.

"Suga is asking if you are trying to take RMs place and if you think that they communicate poorly with their international ARMY?" I get really thrown off so I sit for a second, thinking about my words. This could go really wrong, really fast. I feel the sweat forming on my neck as I pick my words wisely. Turning towards the boys I say

"Of course not! I would never ever replace anyone. I think that all of you have a unique place in BTS and it would not be BTS without RM, as it would not be BTS without V or any of you." I gesture at V as I talk and after hearing RMs translation, he smiles at me bowing. "And Suga" I look directly at him as I speak my words slowly and carefully for RM to catch everything. "You communicate amazingly with your international fans. Better than anyone I've ever seen in the music industry. I think that is why you have become so big so fast. You know your fans and you know how to make them smile, cry and laugh. And your sincerity shines through your music in a beautiful, powerful way.  I think that's much more important than speaking fluently English." I let RM finish the translation as I see Suga nodding. I finish off with a smile and "Your fans are very lucky to have you." The boys understand that part without the translation and all of the members chant together

"AND WE ARE LUCKY TO HAVE ARMY!" I laugh and nod in agreement before turning towards the manager. He is smiling at the boys and saying what I think might be thank you in Korean. I studied a bit of the basic language, but I'm no pro yet. The manager asks me

"Why do you want to become a member of BTS?" Another hard question. Before I can answer,   J-Hope takes a guess.

"Because we are nice and we give her a lot of Sprite!" The other boys laugh and I can see the love they have for each other. All of their eyes crinkle, their chuckles blend together like a song and Jimin is literally throwing his body on to Jungkook in laughter. The others join in with guesses as well.

"Because we are Doooooope!" RM shouts out loud and now I have to laugh as well. 

"We are BTS, duh!" Standing on his chair, Suga jokes around being all conceded.

"Because of all the cute boys!" As soon as Jin shouts this, every member is on the floor dying, laughing. I, on the other hand, am trying to hide my laughter. If I laugh too much they might think I'm rude or something. As the laughter dies down and the members sit back down, the manager turns his attention back to me. I answer as best I can.

"I think this is an exact example of why I want to become a member of BTS. They have so much love for each other and they treat one another like family." My mouth dries as is say the word family and I clear my throat. Hoping no one notices, I continue. "They joke around, they work hard and even though they sometimes pretend being conceded for comical reasons, I can tell that they are very humble. This is the exact environment I wish to be in and the people I want to be around. I really do aspire to be like them" My hands are fidgeting like crazy and I pray that they won't ask the question. The question about my family. The manager writes something down on his paper and I can hear the boys whispering. My heart is pounding in my ears, waiting for it. But he doesn't mention it. Instead, he says

"It was wonderful meeting you Crissy. I wish we could talk more, but we only have so much time with each candidate." He seems genuinely sorry and I calm down. 

"I understand" I stand up and turn around. Taking to steps, then internally slapping myself for forgetting. I turn back around, bow and say as best as I can. "Gamsahamnida" The members all look at me smiling and they return the phrase. I wave goodbye as I walk out. 


Thank you for reading :) What do you think of the story so far?

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