Green Bean Oppas

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"Ok, I don't know if it tastes good, but I put a lot of love into it so I hope you enjoy it." Everyone claps when RM is done translating. We all grab a taco and cheers in Korean.

"Enjoy, enjoy!" J-Hope is yelling at me and I thank him with a nod. I dig in and, OMG! It is like being 17 again with my mom and my dad at the dinner table. The taste almost knocks a few tears out of me, but luckily, I know how to control it.

"Wow! This is very good!" RM is saying what all the others are trying to express with their faces. Most of the girls give me a thumbs up while they take another bite. Jin looks like he is trying to have an inner dialog with the taco about the meaning of life. Taehyung, on the other hand, looks from me to the taco, to me again with a mix of awe and confusion slapped on his face. I am glad to see that everyone likes my food, though.

When we are done with the tacos, Min Jee and another girl that I think is named Ji Woo present a Korean dish that smells amazing. Everybody, except me, gets their chopsticks ready and fill their plates with noodles. Suga, who is sitting beside me fills my plate as well and hands me chopsticks. He is actually really nice when he wants to be.

I take a deep breath as I study the others eating with the chopsticks. They are all talking with each other so it is probably safe to practice my chopsticks-skills. I try to position them in my hands, but it is surprisingly hard. I am prepared to give up when Suga nudges my shoulder.

"........." He asks something in Korean, before remembering that I am not exactly a pro at the language. He struggles a little to find the words but says everything right after a few moments.

"You hold them like this." He shows me with his hand. "Then you pick up the noodles," He picks up some noodles like its nothing. "and eat them." he takes a mall bite so that he can watch me try.

I try to hold them as he did, but I fail miserably to pick up noodles. He sighs and puts his chopsticks down. Then he grabs my hand and positions the chopsticks in my hand while he complains in Korean. "There! Try now." I do as I'm told and try. It kinda works, I guess. Much better than before, at least.

I look up at Suga to show him my improvement. He is already smiling at our collaboration on making me the best chopstick-eater in the world. Before I know it, another bright light flashes before my eyes. This time I am able to see Taehyung holding a camera at us.

I am about to ask him what he is doing, but Suga interrupts me with posing for the camera. He nudges, so I pose as well. A second flash. Jungkook, who sits on the other side of me joins in making a funny face. I can't help but laugh. A third and a fourth flash.


Another group presents their dish. It is some kind of stew with a lot of vegetables. They set it down and everybody pours some on their plates. It actually tastes really good. The spices are perfectly balanced and it isn't too spicy either, impressive.

"Psst, Sissy!" Jungkook has leaned in closer to me, not too close though. He whispers so that the other girls can't hear him, but they probably wouldn't be able to understand even if they heard. "You wanna know secret?"

I nod my head slightly and tilt my head to hear better. His voice is soft and amazing in my ear. "It has been three weeks since I eat vegetable."

My laugh starts out small, and then it gets louder. After calming myself down I turn to him. "You're kidding right?" To my surprise, he shakes his head with a wicked smile smeared on his face. How has he not eaten a vegetable in that long? "What do your Hyungs say about this?" He just shrugs his shoulders and troughs his head back to fix his hair like he doesn't care. 

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