Cooking with BTS

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After two days of learning Korean non-stop, trying to stand up, but failing and falling asleep with books over my head, I am better. I have missed one audition, two dinners, and a super cool karaoke night. Finally, I am ready to do my best with whatever is happening today. 

We are called to the reception around twelve o'clock. While we are waiting I notice that a lot of girls are missing. I walk over to Min Jee. 

"Where are the others?" She turns away from her phone and focuses on me. 

"What do you mean, the others? There are only so many girls left. After you got sick, the management decided to cut some of the girls. It surprises me to see that they kept you. You got sick in the middle of the callback after all. I mean, the other girls got kind of mad." I look around and notice that a few of them are giving me dirty looks. What was that I was saying about these girls being kinder than the girls in America? Im starting to change my mind. 

"To be honest, I was really surprised as well." I laugh a little, trying to ease the tension. 

Min Jee is really nice to me for being another trainee. She is the only girl that I have become friends with. I hope my lack of friends is because of the language barrier and not other reasons. 

She laughs along as some staff members tell us to follow them. Helen is by my side while we are walking through the hallways. We talk about the cut of contestants and both decide that it is a good thing. With fewer girls, it will be easier to talk to the boys and to show the management what Im capable of. 

We stop in front of a door with big Korean letters on it. Im able to read them and pronounce them, but I don't know what they mean. The other girls are happy, confused and excited so I decide that I am going to be those things as well.

The door opens and we storm inside the room. Every girl is in awe by the view. 

In the middle of the room, right in front of us is an enormous dining table with a lot of chairs around it. Further into the room, there are kitchen islands with ovens, drawers, stoves, sinks and marble tabletops. It is a kitchen and a dining room.

Inbetween the kitchen islands and the dining table are the boys. They are wearing aprons and their sleeves are tucked up to their elbows. "Annyeonghaseyo!" Their voices blend to a perfect welcoming song and they bow toward us. 

We bow and say hello to them as well. I make eye contact with Teahyung who mouths "hello" to me. I wave and mouth "hi" back. He seems happy to have communicated with me and I feel the same way. 

RM speaks up and explains something in Korean. I recognize a few words, but not enough to understand what he is saying. Before I know it, the girls start clapping and laughing. Some of them are even jumping in excitement. I join in, but with less enthusiasm. 

Everyone starts teaming up. Min Jee walks over to an island with another girl. She has a lot of friends, despite her looking much older than any of us other girls. Im left standing at the door with my hands folded, bouncing on my toes. 

"Hi Crissy," I jump and my breath catches. RM is standing behind me with an apologetic smile, "Oh, Im sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Exhaling, I tell him that it's fine.

"I guess that you aren't fluent in Korean jet, so I wanted to explain what we are doing today." His smile is so cute. Even though he is much, much taller than me, I really want to squish his face right now. "So, the management wanted to see us interact with you girls, to see who fits the best with the group. They also wanted us to do something fun with you guys, so they decided that we would organize a big dinner party where you girls cook the food." 

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