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I wake up the next day with a massive headache. My head is literally throbbing, it feels like my brain is about to explode. "Helen!" When she doesn't wake up, I throw my pillow at her face.

"Ahh. Stop that!" She rolls over and pretends to fall back asleep.

Fine, I'll just go to the bathroom then. I am determined to ignore the pain in my head. I put my feet down on the ground and walk a few steps. This isn't so bad. Just a few more steps and ill be th... My dizzy head stops working and feet give out. I crash into the wall, head first.

"Owwwww!" I cover my face with my hands and fall to the floor. I hear Helen getting out of bed and running towards me.

"OMG, Crissy! Are you ok? What happened?" She gathers me in her arms and puts her hand over mine. My head is not only throbbing like a b*tch but now, it is also hot like hell. I rock back and forth, trying not to scream. My eyes are watering like crazy, but im not crying. The area over my left eye is feeling a bit wet. Frick. Why did this happen today?

I pull my hand away from my head to look at it. Red blood is staining my palm and I feel dizzy again. Helen grabs a t-shirt from her suitcase beside us and presses it against my head. "It is ok Crissy, it is just a little blood. It looks worse than it is."

After a while, I get up and drag myself to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet while Helen finds something to disinfect the wound. She was right, it is not deep at all. It looks more like a scratch than anything. Well, if that scratch was on top of a bruise. "You will be fine, chipmunk." Helen always helps me calm down. She hands me a water bottle. "You know, if you keep this up, I might have to start calling you Clumbsy Crissy." I laugh and my head throbs along with each exhale.

"As if you don't already do that."


I usually love breakfast. But today I couldn't even stand looking at the eggs and bacon on my plate. Helen tried feeding me a strawberry, but I didn't want to eat it. I guess that water has to do for breakfast.

Today, the audition has something to do with dance, that is all we get to know. But as we know, it will not be simple as all the bad dancers are long gone. Im thinking it has something to do with choreography.

We are waiting outside of the dance studio. The other girls are doing insane stretches and jumping jacks. Me on the other hand, Im just focusing on walking back and forth in a straight line. Im still dizzy and my head hurts with each step.

Step, step...

Throb, throb...

I am afraid I will fall in front of the members, making a fool of myself. Helen is watching me, concerned. "I'll be fine Helen. I promise." Another wave of dizziness hits me and I rub my eyes to make it go away.

Helen steadies me. "Are you sure honey, you hit your head pretty hard." Her hand lays on top of my forehead, but I don't have a fever. A few of the girls side-eye me and whisper to one another. If I don't do this, they will think im faking it because im bad at choreography or something. I can't have that happen.

"Yes, Im just a bit dizzy. If I feel really bad, I'll tell you." I pull the corners of my mouth upwards and she returns the expression with worry in her eyes.

The door opens and we are all being called inside. All the girls start to walk towards the door.

I give Helen one last hug before going inside. "The show must go on."


As soon as I get in, the room starts spinning. Why does this happen? I make sure to stand in the background of the other girls. When the instructor starts speaking, I feel better again.

"..........." Again, not the best a Korean. The translator comes up to me and explains that we all get some time to choreograph a dance to a BTS song. It can be whichever song we want. I thank her and she walks away.

We are handed out certain rooms we can dance in before we start. Mine is a big empty room with windows. The view is amazing. I can see green forests and moutans. I can almost smell the fresh air in my nose.

Im not alone though. Some other girls are in the room, also practicing. And we, of course, get a member to keep us entertained.

Jungkook is sitting awkwardly on a chair in the corner of the room. He has his legs bent in a 90-degree angle, a straight back and his hands are on his thighs. He looks constipated. I can't help but smile.

I have picked the song "Lie" because I think it has a lot of layers to it. I try to concentrate on the dance, but my head won't stop bugging me. Every time I stand up, I have to sit down again. Most of the dance is floorwork at this point.

The other girls are just talking to Jungkook non-stop. And he doesn't seem to mind, but again, these boys are not the smoothest when it comes to girls. I don't understand a single thing of what they are talking about, so I just keep quiet.


After about fifteen minutes later, RM comes in the door. He says hi to the other girls, smiles at me and waves. He frowns when he notices the bruise on my head and asks Jungkook something. He just looks at the floor and mumbles something. RM says something again and the other girls laugh and answer for Jungkook. RM smacks him in the back of the head before he walks towards me. The others just continue talking.

"Hi, Crissy!" He sits down beside me, not too close. My head throbs with each syllable that comes out of my mouth.

"Hi, how are you." He seems amused by my question.

"How am I? Wow. Yeah im good, Crissy." He makes it a point to say my name. "The real question is, how are you? You don't look too well today." Oh wow. Where did that polite boy go?

He notices my offense. "Oh, no no. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just talking about your forehead." I look to the floor, embarrassed. I must look horrible. My hair gets in my face. I should have put it in a ponytail, but I was afraid my head would just hurt even more.

RM lifts his hand and tucks my hair behind my ear. Im shocked at his action, so I glance up at him. He is just as shocked as me. He pulls his hand back in an instant and looks confused at it. He covers it with the other hand an asks me without looking at me "Uh, what happened?"

I don't want to complain to him. But I need to tell the truth. "I fell into the wall." He looks up at me and laughs. When I think about it, it is pretty funny. We both laugh.

"Hey, so can I see what you have come up with so far?" Here it comes, the pulse in my eardrums. My fingers travel to my temple. I have to act like everything is fine.

"Yeah, sure!" I stand up. I immediately regret it. The room starts spinning again. I don't know what is up and what is down and I look for something to steady me. I can't find anything, but I hear RMs voice.

"Crissy, are you ok?" My feet give out under me, but I don't hit the floor. Instead I a caught by someone. The person lays me down on the floor, slowly. My head hurts so much and I can't seem to make my eyes focus on anything.

"Im fine," I say it mostly to calm myself down. I don't believe it though. I feel like im about to fall. Suddenly im falling, but im falling upwards? Then I spin around again. Where am I? RMs voice finds me.

"When is the last time you ate, Crissy?" I grab ahold of somebody's arm, terrified of falling again. "You are burning up! You should be in bed." My breathing intensifies and my grip tightens.

My head is pounding and I hear this ringing in my ears. "Helen, please, Helen" I feel myself being lifted off the floor. Someone is yelling. Dots cloud my sight, I bury my face. I can't breathe. My body turns to jello. "Its ok, Crissy."


Thank you for reading. I guess I left you at I cliffhanger. Oops! :)

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