The Call

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"Hey boy... Make em whistle like a mistle, bom bom." The classroom fills with BlackPink's song "Whistle". My heart stops and I freeze for a second. The professor looks around to find the source of the loud, Korean song. My hand slides into my pocket and I turn the volume down. I know that I shouldn't have set their song as my ringtone, but I couldn't help myself, it's just too good of a song. Everyone is staring at me and I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. The professor turns to me.

"There is a reason that we keep our phones on silent. Right, Christina?" I meet her eyes and nod rapidly as I smile. She continues and I let out a breath. That was clo... 

"Hey boy... Make em whistle like a mistle, bom bom." Once again, the obnoxiously loud sound fills the room. I panic, taking my phone out of my pocket and checking who it is. It is Helen, my manager/best friend/mom. What's the rush? 

"Christina, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna ask you to turn that phone off." I am not looking at her this time but I can hear her talking in my direction. The messages read, "OMG Crissy! call me!" I grab my stuff from the table and stand up.

"Christina!" The professor raises her voice at me but its no use, I'm already out the door. The last message read, AUDITION! 


As I'm waiting for her to pick up I'm biting my nails. Yes, it's a bad habit but I'm too excited and nervous to stop myself. 

"Hello? Crissy!" Her voice is high pitched, clearly excited. She is panting. Like she just ran a marathon.

"Hi! So, what's up? Audition?" My heart is raising so fast that I can literally hear it. 

"Yes! Ok. So, you know how you have gotten a fanbase recently?" She must be crazy, talking about me like I am some kind of celebrity. I make a disapproving sound and she sighs, "You know what I mean! Anyway,  a really big agency has seen your work and they like it a lot!"

What the... "No way? No way! Are you kidding me?" This could be my chance! I have worked so hard, so many hours, days, years. This is what I have been waiting for. I'm not even famous! I just got verified on Youtube and Instagram and now this! This could be the start of something amazing!

"I'm not kidding! You have an audition next week in New York so I need you to leave school now and meet me in the studio as fast as you can. We need to make a new dance solo because the one you have now is not good enough and you are going to need a new song, so please come up with something on your way over here. Also, you need to be able to sing and dance at the same time but that is not going to be a problem because your stamina is fairly good."

I interrupt her, "Wait a minute Helen. What am I auditioning for?"

"Not what, WHO!" What does she mean? Am I going to be a backup dancer again? I mean, it's ok, but I really want to step out of the shadows for once. "They are looking for a new member, a female dancer, and singer to spice up their songs a bit." Really? So I'm going to be a member of a female group. Who could it be? Maybe First Aid Kit or... BlackPink? Umm, my fantasy needs to chill. How would they have heard of me?

"Ok, so who is it?" I can't take it anymore, I need to know.

"Have you ever heard of BTS?" My mind transports me to all the K-pop I have been listening too. I remember that they are a K-pop group and I have maybe heard one or two of their songs. I can't really remember that well but I know that they are huge! Even bigger than BlackPink!

"No way! But, they're a male group! And they're huge! Why would they ever consider bringing in another member? Especially a female, especially me! No way!"

"Crissy! Calm down, I will explain everything to you later ok? But right now, you need to get your butt in the studio, or else..." 

"Ok fine, ill be there in an hour" I grab my things and go to hang up. Before I do, I can hear Helen shouting, "Make it forty-five minutes!" I start to run. How is this happening to me?


Thank you for reading! I appreciate all silent readers but it really helps if some of you would leave your opinions on things so I can write better. :)

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