Chapter 11

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🎸Elvis' POV🎸
    I am so glad that Lily is here, I missed her like crazy. She ain't like the other girls I've been with, she actually cares about me, and wants to be with me for me, not my name. In the past I haven't exactly been a good boyfriend, I would lie and cheat, but I haven't with Lily. She's all I think about and I can't imagine being without her.
    We drove to the party, the whole time I kept sneaking glances at her, she is so damn beautiful. When we got there I helped her out of the car and we walked into the house hand in hand. I introduced her to my new friends, they all couldn't keep their eyes off of her. She never really liked meeting new people so I kept her by my side all night. We stayed for a few hours until I noticed Lily was getting tired so we went home. When we got home we went straight upstairs. "Ok sugar, which room is mine?" She asked, shivers went down my spine, I loved it when she called me sugar especially with that southern accent of hers.
"Well um actually there isn't an extra room, I was thinking you could stay in my room and I promise I'll behave." I smiled. When we were first dating she told me she was saving herself, which I respected, so I never try anything, she gave me a look.
"Fine, come on then soldier, show me out room." She giggled
"Certainly ma'am" she gave me a cross look
"Don't call me ma'am, I'm younger than you are!" She said angrily, I held my hands up defensively
"Ok, ok I won't" I'm smiled, she laughed and followed me to my room. I showed her the bathroom so she could shower, I sat on the bed waiting my turn. I looked over at the table beside the bed and saw the orange pill bottle, I grabbed it and looked at it. Lily will be mad if she sees these, I'll just have to wait to take some till she falls asleep. I open the drawer, throw them inside and shut it. The doctor gave them to me to help me fall asleep. I've only been taking them for a little while, they aren't bad but I know lily doesn't like the idea of taking pills to sleep. Lily walked out of the bathroom with curlers in her hair and the pink silk pajamas, with her initials LW written on the pocket, that I got her. She saw me staring at her and smiled at me.
"Make yourself comfortable honey, I'm going to shower." I kissed her and went to the bathroom. I showered, dried off and went to a pile of my clothes. I saw my red silk pajamas with EP on the pocket and put them on, lily loves when we wear matching clothes. It will make her smile and I love seeing her smile so I wore them. I walked into my room, Lily was on the phone, I crawled up to her, I started kissing her check and moved down to her neck, she giggled and tried to push me away but I am a lot stronger than her.
"Yeah ok- I will-ok- love you too bye!" She said and hung up the phone, I pulled her close and kissed her.
"Who was that?" I asked in between kisses
"Mary, I told her I would call, she says hi." I kissed her again. She pushed me away, "ok soldier, as much as I am loving this we have to stop, I am so tired." She laughed.
"Fine" I groaned.
"Nice pajamas by the way." She smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Thanks baby, but I like yours more than mine." I kissed her again. I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her, we talked for a while, I even sand a little bit until we both fell asleep.
🎸A year later🎸
Ever since Lily showed up I've been happier, I still have trouble accepting that my mama is gone but lily keeps my mind off of it. Also whenever lily sleeps in my arms I sleep without the pills. Since I haven't been taking them I feel so much better, they were doing something to me, so I got rid of them. Today is Lily's birthday so I want to do something special for her, I had to run to base this morning. So I left her a note saying to get ready.
    When I got back Lily was in the shower so I stayed downstairs, I put the bouquet of flowers I got her in a vase and sat on the couch. I had all the guys leave so that Lily and I could have the day to ourselves. After a while she came down with her hair and makeup done, she had on the red dress that I got her. When she saw me sitting on the couch she smiled and ran over to me. I stood up, picked her up giving her a big kiss and twirled her around. "Happy birthday baby!"
"Thank you sugar!"
"Of course honey, now come on we are going out." I grabbed her coat and helped her put it on. We walked to my car, got in and drove to the little market that we like to go to. It's the only place that people respect my space, so we love coming down here. Since it's almost Christmas there are lights around town, it looks beautiful with the snow. We walk around for a while, Lily looked at all the small shops and stands, she was smiling the whole time, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she is so beautiful. We ate at a small restaurant and got ice cream, we continued to walk around. Lily insisted on getting everyone gifts, even though I told her we could come back when it's not her birthday, she wouldn't give up. She picked everything out , went to the car to put it all in the back of my car, and got in. I pulled out one of my cigars and a cigarette for Lily. "I left my lighter at home, but I think I have one in the glove box." I said, she stuck the cigarette in her mouth and opened the glovebox as I pulled up to our driveway.
"I can't find it- wait there it is behind this- this- Elvis what is this?" She asked pulling out an orange pill bottle. Shit what is it doing in there? I look at her and was about to say something but she cut me off. "And don't say it's not yours, it has your name on it." She sternly said, I just stared at the bottle, I told Red to get rid of it, not hide it.
"Baby I know how this may look but I promise I-" she cut me off again.
"No, no excuses or lies, tell me the truth and why are you hiding them?" I took a deep breath.
"They are sleeping pills and I'm not hiding them, I told Red to get rid of em, but for some reason he put em in here." I said quietly
"Why do you have them?"
"Baby I can't sleep they helped me."
"Helped you what? Go into a self induced coma?" She yelled, I looked down, "Elvis why didn't you tell me you take these?"
"I didn't think you would understand, I know how you feel about pills. But I don't take em anymore."
"I wouldn't understand? Elvis I've had plenty of nights where I couldn't sleep, but I don't take pills!" I could feel my temper rising.
"It's not some nights! It's every single night of my life! See this is why I didn't tell you!" I snapped, she jolted, I never yell at her. "Besides I don't take em anymore now calm down." I said quieter
"Clam down? Do you know what these do to people? They could kill you!" She yelled again, every time she yells my temper slowly rises. "Are you even listening to me? What would your mama say?" She asked, that was it the final straw.
"How would you know? She was my mama! Not yours! You only knew her for a few years! Stop acting like you know her! And stop trying to replace her! Learn your place as my girlfriend and stop telling me what to do!" I yelled, she just stared at me with wide eyes, I definitely hurt her.
"Fuck you Elvis! You know I would never try to replace her, I'm trying to look out for you! And I loved your mama so much! I can't believe you right now Elvis!" She yelled as her voice cracked and tears ran down her face, she opened the door and ran out. Shit what did I just do? I've never said anything like that to her before. I got out of the car
"Wait lily, Baby I'm sorry!" I yelled just as she slammed the front door. I am such an idiot.

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