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"maybe all

forevers are


raindrops fell down the window as pedestrains walked by with dark colored umbrellas. she stared out the window taking her book in hand stuffing her nose for no one to notice her.

they say libraries are a great place to lose your mind and travel to a new universe. that's exactly what aspen was doing on the rainy thursday.

she turned her head to the side hearing obnoixous laughter coming from the opening of the room. she thought to herself how rude those boys are coming in a very peaceful place.

"did you hear about how they might higher the drinking age," they boy with brown hair and hazel said to his friends pretty much scaring anyone with the loud voice.

aspen quickly got up after hearing parts of their conversation about the most uneducated things. she tried to push her chair in hoping not to capture the attention of the boys sitting at the other side of the room. of course, the chair would make a loud noise where she scrunched her eyes shut quickly.

she looked up from grabbing her book and noticed the 4 boys looking at her. she walked out the store not bothering to look back.

once realizing how this might have been the only time she will ever see those boys, she choked back a sob walking by the busy los angelos streets into her apartment.

she sat down on her bed, throwing all her belongings on the floor. she brought her knees to her chest and cried.

she would never see those boys again, yet she will always remember them.

yet her problems was that they will never remember her and that broke her heart into pieces.


this is an introduction to her phobia. ill try to update everyday or every two days so hope you enjoy this story (:

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