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[ this chapter might have some dedication to one direction bc of their new album is called four so yeah lol ]



one thing aspen hates more than herself and all, is school. if she had the chance the kill everyone in the whole school. everyone pissed her off, and is stupid.

she woke up not caring if she was late for the first day of school. she walked to the bathroom taking a shower, and brushing her teeth. she puts on her uniform, black skinny jeans with a black shirt.

she walked out of her house stopping by a small cafe grabbing some coffee and bread. she sits in the corner and eats watching the busy streets gather up.

she walked out noticing how shes already late. she walked into the school head down and towards the office to get her schedule.

she walked in homeroom getting screamed at by a 60 year old lady. she sighed as she took a seat in the corner by the window. she didnt mind being all the way in the back. it actually helped her since no one would notice her.

she didnt care about anything the whole day. she spent her lunch time by a bench far off from everyone. she liked how no one would care if she skipped lunch.

she heard the bell ring and was signaled to go back to class. she wasnt in the mood to go back to deal with everyone but it wasnt much of a choice.

she left the school loving how she doesnt have to deal with anyone anymore. she walked by the park noticing how empty it is. she walked in walking towards the swings and sat on the swingset while her bag was left on the floor.

she heard male voices calling at her, but she ignored them. she felt a hand touch her and she immediantly jumped off the swings. she grabbed her bag giving the boys a death glare.

she walked inside her apartment tired of everyone and everything. all she wanted to do was nap, and eat.

three minutes after she got inside, her phone buzzed.

unknown number: hiiii (:

unknown number: its michael not some creep.

unknown number: how was school today?

queen aspen: pls shut up im tired and hungry.

clifford-conda: someones moody.

queen aspen: i will punch ur throat

clifford-conda: bruh.

clifford-conda: nice outfit you had today ;-)

queen aspen: wtf?¿?¿

clifford-conda: we have third period together smart one

queen aspen: oh. i thought you were stalking me.

clifford-conda: arent you tired?

queen aspen: im about to sleep you big loser

clifford-conda: oo well go sleep in a cave

queen aspen: goodnight loser.

clifford-conda: goodnight princess.


i really hate school tbh so it has a bit of me in aspen yay.

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