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"aspen rodriguez?"

aspen looks up from doing her unfinished homework at the library when she saw two cops standing right in front of her. she looked up and nodded her head signaling to the men that it was her.

"we need to talk about your parents" the older one said taking a seat from the table and sitting in front of her.

"what more do you want, they both died in a car accident when a lunatic shot at their car," she said harshly not wanting to come out so rude.

"actually that's just a cover up, they never died in the car. they escaped right before they shot the car." the younger one said softly.

"well, where are they then?" aspen asked getting fed up with the police officers.

"somewhere in london, look we dont want you to go out looking for them since some guys are after you parents and if they find you, they will use you as bait to get them." the older one said looking through the papers in front of him.

she sighed and nodded. "does this mean i need a to have someone with me at all times?" she knew what the answer was since sbe watched tv programs about these situations.

"its for the best. do you know anyone who can stay with you at all times?"

she fiddleded with her hands and nodded. "well i know four, michael clifford, ashton irwin, calum hood, and luke hemmings" she said softly.

"okay thank you. we will contact them as fast as possible to tell them everything that is going on" the officers said leaving her alone in their office.

aspen nodded and walked out of their offices towards the waiting room. she sat down and started playing with her hands as she waited for michael to arrive


"aspen?" she heard a name call out to her and some hands poking her shoulders.

she opened her eyes slowly not realizing she fell asleep. she looked at the familiar faces and smiled at them. she gave them a small wave and got up from the chair to face them.

"aspen, why are we here?" ashton said worry filling each of their faces.

she looked around trying to find if any of the police officers were around to help her but just her luck they arent even in the same room as her.

"i kinda need to be with one of you at least twenty four seven or you can all take turns taking care of me and watching over me" she said releasing a breathe she didnt know she was holding in.

"wait, hold up. why us and why are we going to be doing this?" calum asked shifting his feet as all eyes turned their attention to listen to her explination.

"its complicated to say. id rather tell you all individually when we are alone so i dont have to have so much pressure" she says looking down at her feet not liking the fact everyone was staring at her.

they all nodded and say down on the uncomfortable waiting chairs for the two officers to let each boy sign a paper that holds their responsibilities of takkng care of aspen.

after an hour of waiting and signing, aspen was able to leave the station.

each of the boys made a schedule on who's going to take care of who.

mondays and tuesdays would be calum. wednesdays wouls be luke. thursdays and fridays would be ashton, and of course saturdays and sundays would be michael.

it didnt bother her who she had to stay with but she was just so glad that the rest of the day would be spent with michael.

they boys drove her to their flat and left michael and aspen alone. they claimed to say that had dates but michael and aspen knew they just wanted for both of them to have some alone time.

michael walked to the kitchen and attempted to make mac and cheese but ended up putting too much time.

"how does one fail at cooking mac and cheese, its after all one of the easiest foods to make" aspen said cleaning the kitchen and decide to make some ramen noodles for them.

"well im sorry that i cant cook for shit. none of the boys can thats why we have such a mess in this flat" he says walking towards the living room and putting on avatar on the screen.

aspen walked towards michael with two bowls of noodles. she placed them on the coffee table and grabed two arizona teas from the refrigerator.

they both ate in silence as they watched avatar learning all the four elements.

soon after they finished eating, the boys walked in the flat seeing the two teenagers cuddling with eachother asleep.

ashton claimed to say young love is the cutest as luke and calum took pictures just so they can annoy them about how cute they are in the morning.

wow finally an update. thank you jesus for finally making me inspired to write

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