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basically if you couldnt read the last chapter it was just aspen cutting herself and michael coming in and helping her (:

3:12 pm

its been four days since her incident. four days since michael. four days clean.

she did promise michael she would try to stop. and try she is. she tries not to scratch open her cuts since it will make it worst but she cant help it since they are pretty much screaming out to her to open them up and end her life.

she decided since she had skipped school to just watch some videos on youtube to entertain herself. she clicked on the website on her computer. she knew she had to watch michael's band since she really wanted to, but she was nervous. what if they were bad? she didnt want to say that to there face. she doesnt want to lie to them that they were good.

she searched there name and clicked the first cover she saw 'teenage dirtbag'. she smiled at the start of it how awkward they all were and she listening to their voices. she smiled and actually thought to herself. wow they are pretty fucking good. yeah they arent the best like fall out boy or all time low but its a start. she watched more of their covers and relaized that they are pretty damn good. she knew in a year or two puberty is going to hit them like a brick and their voices would sound hot asf. so thats a good start.

she grabbed her phone looking for michaels number she got somehow. she pressed the phone to her ear listening to the sound of the rings. when he picked up on the last ring she smiled.

"hey aspen why are you calling me if you dont mind me asking?"

"oh hi, and i just wanted to say i saw your band's covers on youtube and i wanted to say that you guys have a great career ahead of you"

"really? wow thanks that means so much to us. my mom thought this is just going to be for like a year and ill get over it, but she doesnt really know that this is my life and i really hope we get a contract to a label company soon."

"trust me, i bet if someone famous tweeted the link to your video you would probably blow up the world with millions of views. maybe louis tomlinson will tweet about it who knows?"

"that would be pretty fucking cool if he tweeted about it. i mean we sound kinda pop but we are trying to go for pop/rock look since our influences are all time low, green day, and blink-182"

"holy shit you love green day?"

"who fucking doesnt? ive seen them in concert and they are so fucking good"

"a lot of people dont like them. your so lucky you saw them live i would die to see them live"

"hey they are coming neat here in a few months, are you planning on going?"

"no i wish, i dont have enough money to afford a ticket, let out merchandise"

"aw that sucks. you will see them live one day, i promise"

"dont promise something thats worth breaking"

"i wont, and aspen?"


"i really like you even though we dont know eachother well. your a really cool girl and i was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

"so cheesy of you asking me out through the phone, but yes i wohld love to go on a date with you, michael"

"great! if you said no that would have been embarressing. how about friday night at 7?"

"such short time notice but will do"

"alright, bye aspen. thanks for watching us on youtube"

"anytime michael"

he hung up and she smiled realizing she's going on a datw with the michael clifford.

oops havent updated in a while and i apologize.

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