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she felt pure darkness swallowing her body not letting her move. she felt so stiff it hurts. hurts to move. hurts to open her eyes.

as she slowly opened her eyes, she felt white walls swallowing her vision, she looked around seeing two unreconizable boys laying on the couch next to her bed. she sighed knewing michael wasnt one of them.

'of course michael isnt here, he's probably doing what normal boys do instead of worrying about you' she thought to herself.

what she didnt know was that michael was worrying his ass off on the other side of the world. he got a call from aspen's phone from carter saying that she was beyond drunk and she passed out due to blood lost.

he tried to cancel the last date of the tour today but he couldnt. he couldnt disapoint the fans.

so he played his last shoe today and went straight to the airport with his bag. his band mates were confused but when they heard him muttering aspen during packing, they knew something must have happen.

they all love aspen as a really close friend and all, but only michael knew about her cutting. only michael knew how to fix her broken heart.

michael arrived at lax around 7am due to the time difference. he took a taxi to the hospital nearest to them and thanked him. he walked towards the receptionist table.

"hello im here to see aspen rodriguez" he said casualky hoping she didnt notice his shaky hands.

"room 420, are you her boyfriend?" she asked smiling softly at the boy.

"yes i am" he said and smiled. he thanked her and walked towards the elevators hoping she was okay.

as he arrived on the floor, he felt his heart race increase.

what if she was dead?

what if she cut way too deep?

what if she had cancer?

he shaked his head opening the door revealing two sleeping boys sitting on the couch and aspen struggling to sit up.

the moment their eyes met, she couldnt hold it in anymore and began crying. she hated crying espicially when she didnt need to cry over this. but she cried because she actually missed him.

michael walked towards her pulling her into a hug whispering over and over how he was sorry and he wouldnt do it again.

what she didnt know was where was he and what he was doing. she had a feeling he was in the middle of something and left because of her.

she swallowed a bit and calmed down a bit. michael sat down on the bed holding aspen's hand staring at the boys sleeping on the probably comfortable couch.

"who are they?" michael asked aspen turning so his body was able to see her beautiful face.

"well they are my neighbors and the one that has his head hanging a bit off the couch is carter and he was the one who im guessing called you" she said taking a deep breathe.

"what's the other dude's name?" he questioned looking at the boys confused.

"i think his name is chris. i barely remember since i was drunk as hell last night and i barely even know what i was doing last night. i just missed you so much and i hated the pain of not beinh able to see you when i wanted or needed to. i called and texted so many times. where were you?" she asked saying everything in one huge breathe and michael chuckled a bit at her questions.

"before you start freaking out, i was on tour in australia and i didnt want to make you even more depressed by telling you. i should have told you but im an idiot and im sorry" he says and squeezed her hand softly.

she nodded her head understanding his scenario. she turned her head hearing the two boys on the couch getting up probably due to the noise they were making.

chris was the first to get up and introduce himself to michael and carter did the same except he explained what had happen while aspen was slowly trying to remember.

they sat down talking a bit about topics like the latest fashion trend to what happened in football last week (which to aspen she felt like smashing all there faces since she was so tired).

the doctors came a few hours later making sure she's okay. when they left they countinued their conversation as aspen started drifting off into a small nap.

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