Chapter 4: Savaged Battle of Power

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Vergil them flung the table with ferocity while Roni had jumped out of her seat as he did so. While this was happening I merely summoned my sword to my hands, the blade silver and black on the crested side of its shined form. I then walked to the side while Vergil decided to charge in swinging Yamato striking his blade against mine while I merely held him back with ease. I barely felt his energy, yet he must've been toying around first. Or..Cain's power superseded what even I expected so that could mean I didn't consider Vergil's power to be worth anything.

Vergil then flung me back and I landed onto the wall, planted against its vermillion tapestries and smooth surface. I sighed. This was getting boring. I then leaped at Vergil slamming my sword against him, hearing hum grunt from the pressure of my sword which made me take a step back as I jumped to the right swinging my blade once more. He blocked again and I heard the ugly grunt. So he couldn't handle my power now? This was curious. Then he disappeared and reappeared behind me, and swung his sword at me causing me to roll forward and then he stabbed his sword into the ground creating a doppelgänger of himself and I merely smiled. So he was relying on quantity now. Guess I would do no harm playing back and forth. Taking my sword I then threw it forward sending it sailing at Vergil. He went to swung and my sword then shot back at me stabbing my amulet and me in the process. As it do so, my form changed drastically. I was no longer human looking. I had changed into a demon with bright reddish and black wings. My sword had returned back to my hand which then noticed my amulet had fused with it at the hilt. Vergil's face was priceless as he was standing there shocked. I walked forward while each step caused several splinters of wood and pieces of marble to crumble, flying in the air away from me. I then pointed my sword at Vergil.

"So now what are you going to do Vergil? I care not for playful games. Make your move!" I roared in a demonic voice.

Vergil regained his composure and dashed forward striking at me viciously while I merely blocked swinging back and knocking his blade sideways. He then smirked as his doppelgänger came behind me and stabbed me in the back straight through my heard. I gasped out in pain, while he then stabbed his own blade into my chest right alongside the doppelgänger's  own blade. I then went on one knee while Roni rushed over and grabbed me. "Oh my fucking god!! Vergil what the fuck? Are you insane?"

"He should've been more careful," Vergil said coming forward taking out his blade swinging it to rid it of blood while the blade of the doppelgänger and its very self disappeared. "He said he had more power. Guess this solves it."

"You don't go to the fucking extreme Vergil. Can't you guys just spar and not go to the fucking extreme of killing each other?" Roni snapped.

I immediately stood up with my eyes black as night, pupils and sclera. I had returned back to human form, yet I growled like an animal. A rather pissed off animal for sure. I then pointed my sword at Vergil and thousands of summoning swords erupted from it with speeds every Vergil couldn't keep up with. He got struck rather too quickly as he got pinned by them into the wall. He groaned in pain as I stepped forward rather slowy. Roni put a hand on my shoulder. "Ramier the battle is over. You guys both need a timeout."

"Fuck off whore!!" My response was, yet it was a different deeper voice.

She then stepped in between both me and Vergil. "I don't think so. If you call me that again, I'll kick your ass faster than you can say Nephilim."

I chuckled. I stabbed my sword in the ground. "How intriguing. You think you can hold me off? I am beyond what you can become."

I felt a rap of a cane on my shoulder making me turn. Standing there was V with his panther Shadow beside him and Griffon on his shoulder. I growled at him and Shadow growled back in response.

"Well you've been busy. Sadly it's not what I would've thought you'd bee capable of. Isn't that right Cain?"

I smirked. "So you've figured it out? I would expect no less from Victor Rekcut. What ever are you here for?"

"To bring news of the portal. There is some ominous vibes coming from it. I suggest you come on while Vergil can extricate himself for his stupidity in challenging a Nephilim Overlord."

"Overlord?" Roni asked.

"It's a title above Nephilim God. He Lords over l Nephilim if one can reach that stage. Takes a lot but if one can somehow work with the inner hollow self then true ascension is truly possible. Cain has been around for a while. It started when we were kids. When Ramier died Caun came to show him the way, and Ramier learned quite a it, but even then he's never released his true form. At least till now. So can we go now?"

I smirked. "Whatever you want V. However I'll hand it to Ramier to handle this."

I then grabbed my sword and tore the amulet off placing it back on my neck, while I glanced at V. "So what now brother? This is awkward."

"Much like a possession." Roni said, rolling her eyes. "Your hollow self is insane."

"He's necessary when necessary." I replied, glancing to Vergil who was tied up in a way. I flicked my hand causing the summing swords to shatter to pieces while I then turned back to V.

"Now you want to tell me about the portal seeing that Vergil failed to explain it unfortunately being his ego got in the way?"

Vergil had healed his wounds instantly and sheathed Yamto. "It's bringing in more demons and we need to secure it and go to wherever it's at. No questions asked. Dante and Tori as well Morrigan are already there. We better get a move on and later we'll settle our battle. Sound fair?"

"Yeah sure. I'll let Cain kick your ass agsin. At least that'll satisfy me." I replied waving a hand at the broken room as it repaired itself.

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