Chapter 6: Unbroken Chain

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Taking my sword and plunging it forward with a roar of great fury, Lucien dodged with ease to get a mark in my shoulder to which I merely shook as it was nothing. Kicking back to land on to a car I sat down and smirked in pure glee. The audacity of my very self was exhilarating, but I would show no mercy now. Lucien was devil triggered and softer side aka Ramier would see the true statement that I told him earlier before we got here. Power was going to be gained by whatever means were so forth necessary. Lucien was that block in the wall that needed to be thrown away to reach purest potential. Ramier would thank me later.

Leaping off the car and slamming my blade onto Lucien's very own I heard his grunt as I increased the pressure on him. He was tiring and he knew I knew so badly that I could see the flicker of fear in his eyes, their slight glint before that determination became the forefront. This kid was something else. I'd give him that. Taking a deep breath, I pushed hard sending the young man my so softer side( Ramier) called son into a building and then cast a large pole along with him, causing a large avalanche of debris to fall onto his present position. I merely turned with a huff of breath escaping my lips to begin my next line of business. Immediately a whip slashed my cheek, drawing the crimson bloom of mine to flow, drawing my very attention to the causer of the injury.

Tori herself had armed herself with her whip and I could feel her Nephilim prowess increasing as she glared with such hatred that it made the lips of mine to slightly curve into the curvaceous smile I so liked to display. So she wanted to play with the big boys? I would enjoy this.

Cackles erupted around us as various demons appeared making me greet the newcomers of demons. A few Red Empusa and Green Empusas appeared to which I merely sheathed my sword. It had to be Nelo Angelo who did this. I guess I would refrain from killing Verg's girl. At least until the right time that is.

I turned away and Tori's shout rang out as I begin to walk away. "Whoever you are... Stop running like a pussy and fight. I'll take you anytime of day or night!"

Sending me a message of such insults from a low bottom feeder Nephilim who barely understood their powers despite them becoming Goddessss really annoyed me little to no avail. I wasn't fazed at all as I continued. Nelo Angelo leaped down from a building glancing at the others. Particury at Nero which didn't go past my better judgement that he knew him.

"Better get a move on Nelo. We've got things to do. People to kill. They'll be busy so they shouldn't cause us to our better judgment derail our mission as it is."

Nelo grunted and took Yamato and slashed it with ease creating a portal. He leaped through and I glanced back at the others to then follow the blue colored demon without a word to them.

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