Chapter 16: Urizen

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As we moved along together I felt the air between us lift from its former tensioned self as we both knew where we stood. Cain would not win nor would he lose because a there was a resonance between us. He was r going to let it go. First and foremost we would deal with Urizen. As such we passed the area of the train station to come back outside to see Qlippoth Roots leading up to the main root system. He and I then leaped up to continue up the root passing through various places filled with demons. I let V use Nightmare, as it was useless if we decided to engaged in come melee. It would serve is the same purpose, however it was more easy to use the golem.

As we continued in we finally came upon the throne of Urizen and I felt Cain pushing forth again. I fought against him and then I walked forward as we saw both Neros engaged in battle. V was nowhere to be be seen. Lucien was standing there a little cut here and there. I was laughing inside as I knew he was more powerful than I could imagine in his current state. He was starting to excel before my eyes, even in the midst of Urizen. I then rushed forward to Urizen who glanced my way. "You would dare defy ME!"

I unsheathed my sword to jump forward as he then rose from his seat. "PATHETIC INSECT! I WILL CRUSH YOU AND THE HUMAN BOY! YOU ALL SHALL DIE!!"

"We'll see about that." I snarl. As he thrust his bloody tendrils I then jumped up and sliced them away from me. Suddenly several lash out to my. With them racing to my position, Lucien teleported right next too me, while I then smirked. "Still can't keep out of trouble huh?"

"Trouble follows me everywhere. I guess that a trait and life I picked up on because of you being my dad," Lucien replied. "What's your plan?"

"Don't get killed. Kill this guy."

Lucien smirked. "Sounds like a plan to me."

He then rushed forward while I followed up beside him. Victor from the corner of my eye had rushed over to the other two Neros checking on them. He used Griffon to pick up one of them while he picked up our Nero and jumped on to the back of Nightmare. "You guys hold the fort while I get them to safety."

I nodded as we cut into more tendrils. Lucien leaped on one tendril and ran on it right at Urizen who roared latching more tendrils which rapidly moved along towards him. Lucien jumped in the air and he began to teleport back and forth like I did. He then threw his sword and it went flying like a boomerang while I hen leaped up throwing my own that began to cut through tendrils that were coming towards him. His sword neared me and I caught it and sent out reddish summoning swords which struck Urizen as he fell back a bit. Urizen then reached out and created a portal to began to escape. "You shall see the futility of defiance."
He then went through although I followed him as well. Lucien had caught my sword and joined me as we landed on dirt. We were on a field of land and there was a tree with a fruit. Urizen went to grab it but I rushed forward teleporting, grabbing the fruit and landing away. As I did so, Urizen roared again but then it was cut short as he was stabbed by a katana, and the very individual that did so was a man holding it. He wore blue and black, his white hair slicked back. I noticed he was the exact replica of the Dante from this universe.

"Such insects like you have no power over me. A Son of Sparda does not follow a fiend such as yourself especially since you have no power. You empty shell." He said.

I felt Cain come forth and I couldn't even hold him off now. As such when he came forth I knew it was going to be bad.

Taking the fruit I bit into it and I felt strength as I never felt it. It felt as if the demon course of my power ascended higher. Now power was achieved for Ramier. Now I would show him the truth. I glanced at Lucien and the newcomer Vergil Sparda. They both glanced at me while Vergil stepped forward. "That fruit is useless to you. But since you are it, I'll show you the futility of your attempts to get powerful. As such you shall feel the power of a Son of Sparda."

"We shall see Vergil," I replied "Your power has been ripped asunder by Urizen. Leave now since you killed the beast. Otherwise I will make your existence nonexistent."

Vergil chuckled as he walked forward unsheathing Yamato. "Well we'll have to see won't we."

I grinned. "Indeed we shall.

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