Chapter 15: V vs Cain

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As Alessa and I had hopped down into an alleyway far from the seeking eyes of Artemis and the ever reclusive danger Nelo Angleo. As we stopped in this vicinity of area I heard a growl and immediately I cursed. Shadow came bounding out of the the literal shadows knocking into me thrusting me like a rag doll into the walling enforce landing back into his feet to keep his reddish eyes resting on me. I grunted as I rose into the light from the shadows I was cast.

"For one so smart and resourceful, you failed to act immediately Cain," Victor's voice said from the shadows before me. Alessa stepped away from that area as she walked over towards my direction. "I wouldn't do that Alessa. Yes I know who you are. This is between us not you. At least not yet anyway."

"What the fuck do you want V? Some spare time with your reclusive brother who can't hold a candle light in comparison of power with me?"

Victor smiled. "Tell me this Cain. Once you achieve this power you so much seek, will you give Reimar full control again?"


"You ask very simple but deep questions Victor," Alessa finally said. "Cain will not relinquish control if you guys keep pushing him the wrong way."

Victor glanced at her then back at me. "You make a very intriguing point Alessa. But as I said I'll deal with you after I deal with this person who thinks he can walk around with his chest poked out and not expect a fight. Cain you will not have Alessa, because Roni is the full proprietor of her. You fail to see the futility actually. So I'll show you."

He then sent Shadow again who had expanded his energies to create a large black mass around me. I simply smiled. V and all his trinkets of demons to use was annoying and well I'd guess I'd show him otherwise.

I then leaped into the air I a somersault, pulling out my guns to shoot at him while he leaped back using Griffon to ascend higher. He then surged forward jumping at me and struck his cane against my gun which I used as a sword. Pulling out my sword I swung down had not I it a bad feeling as I felt Nightmare's aura coming full speed for me to only dodge away and land on the building roof. Victor then looked up. "Come down here to face your demons Cain. For fear is an obstacle that must be over come or one shall forget revel in the feeling for all eternity."

"Wow," I said bowing while I put my gun and sword away. "You came up with all that. I'm rather surprised I didn't think of that."

I then leaped down until I felt Ramier again trying his best to come forward. Fine with me, since I would just watch what he would do. I landed on the ground, standing up shortly as I glanced at him. My devil trigger completely gone now, to which Victor noticed it completely as he called away Shadow and Nightmare. "Finally came back to the true reality have we now?"

"Well at least for now anyway. You and him have a serious grudge against each other. Let me guess, Alessa and Roni." I sighed, glancing back at her which I noticed she was back to normal as well.

"So let me get this straight," Roni said as she came froward. "Cain and Alessa like wag other, kind of like I have feelings for V here?"

"Precisely," Victor replied. "However I think Alessa is wasting her time. Cain has no need for others in his world conquest for power. I thought she would get it."

"That's because she wants it too," Romi said. "But I asked her to be more careful in how to  attain it. Not using Cain as a way to her it. He's way out of her league. I'm happy your back to normal Ramier."

I shrugged as I glanced to V. "Was that all you came for?"

"That V is Vergil is he not?" He asked abruptly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Once he and the other one," Victor said. "The one you call Nelo Angelo come together, they will be Urizen's downfall, and then, and only then shall the true battle come forth. You know Nelo and V are the same. Nelo is the demon form, and V is the human form. I believe Urizen separated them to stop Vergil to really attain power. From what I've heard from a woman named Lady, Vergil and Dane from this universes did battle a long time ago. Vergil lost and was reduced to powerless and frail. Urizen will do anything to prevent Vergil from attaining power."

"So what?" I remarked.

"Vergil can close the portal with Yamato, and ours can close the portal to Limbo in our realm. It will benefit us if we do this."

"So bring V and Nelo Angelo together," I stretched, standing. "Sounds like a plan."

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