Part 2: Chapter 9: Decisons, Decisons

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I held up my hands as Nero rushed me with his blade swinging in a wide arc catching me full brunt. While the blade didn't hurt, I knew I was going to get annoying bruises before the day began in the next hour.. As I got up groaning, King rushed in to kick Nero hard sending him into the wall with strength that made me even look surprised.  I recovered shortly though.

"What the hell King. You could've just stopped him. Not knock him into fucking next week."

"He took a deadly blow and dealt it it out to you, I'd doubt I would be so careful to not help my brother who seems to lost his wit."

"Is that an insult pipsqueak?" I growled as I gripped my sword. "You don't know me real well despite us being twin sibilings. You really want to go down that avenue?"

I heard Nero groan as he got up slow lot. "What the fuck? Who the fuck are you?" He managed to say as he focused on King.

"My name is Kyle Rekcut, twin brother of, Ramier, Son if Adriel and Rose. Who the hell are you that you attack my twin like so?"

"I'm Nero, Tori and Vergil Sparda's son. So your Nephilim just like me. How quaint. Ramier what the duck were you doing with this guy I heard about being a demon Nelo Angelo was his name wasn't it?"

"So it was Nero," I replied. "But you've got it all wrong. I wasn't with him. It was Cain."

"Your other half," Nero raised an eyebrow, closely taking it in as he glanced at me the. King. "You're not even fazed by this?"

"I don't judge my brother's insanity level. Iove him whatever way he sits on the totem pole."

"Thanks you make me feel a lot better." I replied sarcastically. "Is there any chan e you could forgive me for my transgressions earlier Nero. I'm getting a handle on him, but remember he is searching for power here. Just like Urizen."

"Urizen who?" Nero asked, nodding at my words.

"The demon king of this realm," King interjected. "He's the one running this rodeo. This Qlippoth root bullshit. Though I don't know why thus he sent you guys to come here."

"He wants more power and he needs more firepower to handle Vergil and Dante. I wonder what he would do once I completely thwarted his plans."

"It won't happen," a voice said behind us, causing us to remove our mask of heroic triumphs to complete shock. Standing there was Victor and he was leaning against the cool walling of the bridge itself as he glanced between both of us. Nero lost his eye of interest at the moment as he glanced at King.

"Kyle Rekcut. What a true honor it is to meet another alive and healthy brunt you belong to. I am Victor."

"Your my other brother," King replied.

"You have a long way to go before I call you brother. Kyle. I won't be calling you king either unless you plan on doing it yourself to become as such. So far I'm not impressed."

Victor then walked to the entrance of the large bring while I followed behind him with a wary eyes Nero who glanced between all three of us as if trying to see what else reminded him that were all brothers. Unfortunately and fortunately I was going to lay it on him.

"Stop trying to figure us our. Our powers vary to certain degrees in order to see the similarities. Anyway let's go King. We've got more explaining to do."

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